Chapter 54

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"It hasn't changed a bit." I tell Hermione and the two boys. "You haven't been back here?" She asks and I shake my head. "Not since the Christmas of fifth year." I tell her. "Where's Kreacher?" She asks and I shrug. "KREACHER!" I yell but there isn't a response. "Don't bump that!" I tell Harry bit he bumped the portrait of my grandmother.  "Where is my INSUFFERABLE son!" It yells and I roll my eyes. "He is dead Grandmother!" I tell her and she smiles. "Who are you to call me Grandmother just like your father someday you will meet a terrible fate you blood traitor." It says laughing and I roll my eyes pulling out my wand. "SILENCIO!" I yell and she is muted banging against the frame. "You guys do whatever I'm going to look around a bit." I tell them and they nod as I begin walking around. "Dad your still messy. Uncle Regulus, Regulus Acturus Black, R.A.B." I say and run downstairs to find them passed out. "I'm going to regret this but SILENCIO!" I say giving Grandma her voice back. "What did Uncle Regulus do?" I ask and she keeps her mouth closed. "You can always talk to Hermione!" I say. "I will not talk to that Mudblood." She says and I shake my head hating when someone calls Hermione that. "Then answer me, what did he do?" I ask again and she sighs. "He was a death eater, you know you can stay here and I can mold you into the witch you should and could be." She says. "Now how do I remove you?" I ask and she shrugs not telling me. But she murmers something that causes her own destruction "It's impossible the only way to stop me is the petrification charm which I doubt you know child." She says and I pull out my wand. "Petrificus Totallus!" I say and she freezes into a position similar to the Mona Lisa. "Time for bed!" I say and walk up to my father's old room to go to sleep.
The Next Morning.
"Guys I found something." I hear and my eyes shoot open. "Regulus Acturus Black, R.A.B!" I hear Ron say and I go out into the hallway to see them standing at Regulus' bedroom door.  "Let's ask Walburga's portrait." Harry recommends and I shake my head. "That won't work, I permanently shut her up with the petrification charm." I tell them and the stare. "That worked?" They ask and I nod. "His locket has to be somewhere its not in his room or the house though. I've been all over this house the only place I've been with anything jewelry like is Walburga's room we can't think on an empty
stomach I'll go cook breakfast come on." I tell them and we go into the kitchen where I began cooking. "What are we going to do?" Hermione asks and I shrug but Harry shushes us. "Do we really think R.A.B is Sirius' brother?" Hermione asks and I nod. "He was a death eater pressure became to much for him and he could have gone looking but what would have happened to it by now he died over seventeen years ago."
"What are you doing!" He asks Kreacher opening the cabinet door. "Who took the locket?" I ask and he reluctantly answers. "He comes in the night the one who stole the locket goes by the name Mundungus Fletcher he does, and he has taken things your uncles and fathers along with your grandmothers he has. Master Regulus has two lockets, I want the one that truly belongs to him." Kreacher says. "Kreacher I beg of you to bring him to us, and if he is given to us I will give you locket not the horcrux but the locket that Regulus truly owns." I tell him and Kreacher apparates away coming back no sooner than ten minutes later with Dobby. "Dobby heard Kreacher was looking for Mundungus, Dobby helped Kreacher find him.  We did we found him." He says "Harry Potter how long its been?"He  and I pull out the locket owned by my uncle. "Mistress Black is most kind even after my testament against obeying I am forever I'm your deepest depth." He says. "You've turned this place over, you have the locket." I say. "He doesn't remember because he didn't get a good deal he practically gave it away most likely. Who did you give it to?" Ron asks. "I don't remember wait a minute, wait a minute it was her that woman right there on that paper." Mundungus says and points to a picture of Umbridge!

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