Chapter 18

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Sam's P.O.V

"What in the name of Merlin?" I say sitting up looking to my room and seeing George sitting there asleep. "Oh my gosh she's DEAD!" Fred yells walking in and George sits up. "What happened?" He asks real quick looking around noticing me awake. "Oh your awake?" He asks and I nod. "What happened to me?" I ask frantically noticing I'm in the hospital. "The basilisk attacked you. It's going around school, Harry killed it. Also Lockhart had his memory wiped." He tells me and I smile. "Where is everyone?" I ask. "They're all down at dinner." Fred says and I smile standing up heading down to the Great Hall. "Harry!" Seamus yells and Harry looks up at me, so does Hermione and Ron all three of them run up to me hugging me tight. "Tomorrow we leave school and next year I say you take a break from saving the world." I say and they nod.

"George!" I yell and he turns around. "Do you really think I blame you for me being petrified?" I ask and Fred looks the other way to give us privacy. "George I do not blame you it wasn't your fault you were looking out for me and I love you for it." I say kissing his cheek and running off to catch up to Lupin.

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