Chapter 62

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1 Month Later
"Andromeda Hi." I smile hugging her. "Sam look at you. What brings you here today?" She asks me. "I'm here to see Teddy if that is fine with you, I should have called first but I just wanted to see him." I tell her. "No Sam you never have to ask please come in. He's lying down in his crib I can't get him to sleep though." She tells me and I smile. "Thank you." I say walking into his room. "Hey Teddy." I say picking him up and sitting in the rocking chair. "Hey you look just like your dad except for your hair that's your mommy's. I'm actually your sissy now I guess, I have been for a while." I say and he smiles at me. "Si- sy." He tries to say sissy and I smile. "Yeah Teddy sissy." I smile kissing his forehead. "That's the first word he's said since before the battle." Andromeda tells me stepping in the doorway. "He's handsome isn't he?" She asks and I nod. "Every bit as handsome as Remus." I say and she nods. "He's not showing signs of lycanthropy." She tells me and I smile bigger. "That's great." I tell her and look down noticing him touching my stomach. "Yeah I'm having a baby to handsome." I tell him and he smiles. "I should be going but I promise I'm going to be back soon." I tell her and she smiles. "I love you Teddy." I say kissing his forehead one more time before apparating away.
At Home

"Sam I'm home." George says coming through the front door. "I'm in here." I say in one of the bedrooms. "What are you doing in here?" He asks sitting beside me against the wall. "Just thinking about the baby." I tell him. "What about the baby?" He asks. "We don't know the gender but is the room going to look like. I was thinking we could put the crib right here, and the changing table over there and right here we could put the dresser for their clothes, and we could paint it blue the whole room." I tell him and he smiles. "That sounds great." He tells me. "And I was thinking if it's a boy we could name him...Fred." I say and he looks up like he might cry. "That sounds perfect." He tells me and I smile relieved. "Can I talk to you about something?" George asks and I nod. "I proposed to you, but not how I wanted to. What I wanted to do was get down on one knee." He begins getting down on one knee. "Pull out the ring."

He pulls out a little box

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He pulls out a little box. "And then tell you how much I love you. I love you Samantha Black, you and the baby are my world and I missed you for those months you were gone. You are what matters most to me in this world and I would do anything to protect you, love you, and care for you and no matter how much I might piss you off saying that. I will never forget to or stop saying it. Will you please marry me?" He asks and I'm just completely out of words but I nod and he smiles. "Is that a yes?" He asks and I nod smiling. He stands up putting the ring on my finger and smiling. "Their doing back flips." I say feeling my stomach. "It wouldn't surprise me." He says smiling and I nod.

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