Chapter 10

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"My bad!" I say when I bumped into someone and fell over. "That's what you get Black!" Malfoy sneers and walks off, I roll my eyes and see someone extend a hand. "Thank you!" I say gladly accepting it and standing up only to see Cedric Diggory. "I'm Cedric!" He says and I smile shaking his hand. "Sam, just Sam." I tell him. "Whats his deal?" He asks referring to Malfoy. "He doesn't like my friends and I, the nasty little brat." I say and he nods. "Cedric are you coming?" A girl with black hair asks from inside a compartment. "Cho this is Sam, Sam this is Cho." He says and I shake her hand. "Your Harry Potters girlfriend right?" She asks and I laugh. "No he's more of a brother then a boyfriend." I tell her and she smiles. "Our families go back about eleven years." I tell them. "Oh Hermione! I'm going to go guys." I tell them and go to leave. I make my way through the maze of people in the walkway. "Bloody hell! There are compartments for a reason." I mumble. I finally managed to get into the compartment where Ginny is also sitting. "Hello Ginny" I smile and she smiles back. "Who were you talking to?" She asks. "Just a fourth year." I tell her and she nods. "I'm so bored how long have we been on this train?" I ask and Hermione looks at her watch. "Thirty minutes." She says and I groan, this is going to take a while. And where's Harry?

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