Chapter 35

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1 Month Later (November)

"You will open your books and read from chapter three to chapter six and copy the text in order to have it completely memorized. "I've already read it as a matter of fact I've read the whole book." Hermione says. "And I've read none of your book, we need someone to teach us to defend ourselves, not to give us a book and to copy it that I believe is called plagiarism." I say and she glares at me. "You have already gotten into trouble once Ms. Black you do not want to push my buttons now do you?" She asks. "I'm pushing them aren't I?" I ask and she turns a dark shade of red. "Detention Black, tonight my office." She says and Hermione continues with her argument. "I, however, disagree with Slinkhard. I think that jinxes can be quite useful in defensive situation," Hermione said firmly. "Is that so? Well, it is not your place disagree with Ministry-approved texts. Detention, Miss Granger," said Umbridge coolly. Her mouth spread in a wide, toady smile as she glared at Harry, daring him to argue.
"That's not fair," Harry said furiously. He stood to glare at his teacher. "You can't punish her for expressing her opinion! You asked a question and she answered it!" Ron grabs his wrist and forces him to sit back down, and Hermione groans and shushing him. The damage was done, though. "Then you both can enjoy a week of detention, starting tonight," Umbridge announced sleekly. Harry opens his mouth to argue, but Hermione clamps her hand over it. "You'll get us both more detentions if you don't shut up," she hisses fiercely. Harry settles, glaring at his textbook without seeing it. He was so filled with rage, the words seemed to blur before his eyes. Umbridge had dragged Hermione into their conflict. This was going to be the worst detention yet. This is all being told by his facial expression's.

"Hello!" I say walking into her office where Harry and Hermione are waiting for me. "Sit down. You will be writing lines tonight with one of my special quills instead of your own." She says and I nod sitting. "What am I writing?" I ask and she smiles. "I will behave appropriately." She says and I began writing the message already engraving itself into my hand but I ignore it and continue writing it. My blood is being used as the ink. After a good twenty minutes the message has engraved deep enough into my skin that most of my hand is covered in blood but I don't care it's dripping on to her rug so her problem to clean up not mine. "You may leave now. Remember tomorrow Ms. Granger and Mr. Potter." She says as we walk back. "I hope she knows the quill I used broke I was accidentally writing to hard." I tell them. "There you are Sam." George walks up to us with Fred and Lee Jordan close behind. He looks down at my hand and notices the engravings in it. He looks furious and begins walking in the direction of Umbridge's office. "George calm down it's okay it was just this one detention I promise." I say trying to keep him from continuing to walk. I put my hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb back and forth over his cheek which seems to call him down well.

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