Chapter 52

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"Harry!" Hermione says hugging him. "Harry!" Fleur says hugging him. "Nice to see you again Harry, you see the scars? A run in with a werewolf that goes by the name of Greyback, I hope to return the favor someday." Bill says. "I still love him though!" Fleur says. "Just remember Fleur Bill takes his steaks a little on the raw side now." Remus says and smiles at me but I turn away walking over to Fred and George. "What happened?" Harry asks Remus. "We've been in arguments all summer. You never know what's going to come out her mouth three oranges or two lemons and a banana." He says. "My husband the joker. We have news." Tonks says "I'll tell you what's about to come out of your mouth." I say lunging at him but Bill, Fred and George hold me back. "Bloody hell it can't be that hard to hold her back." Ron says and George pulls me in hugging me. All summer I've been asking him for answers and he has given me nothing. He finally blew up at his and Tonks wedding because I refused to do the toast. "I didn't have anything nice to say so I didn't say anything at all isn't that what you've always told me?" I say and he takes a deep breath. "Enough squabbling, we need to move, Potter you're under age which means you still have the trace on you." Mad Eye tells him. "What is the trace?" Harry asks. "It means if you sneeze the ministry will know who wipes your nose we use untraceable means broomsticks, thestrals, etc. I believe your familiar with this particular brew." Mad Eye says opening the polyjuice potion. "No I won't let you risk your lives for me." He says. "It's not like we haven't done it before." Ron says. "No you're not getting my hair." He says and I smile, I love this part. "As we discussed Granger!" Mad Eye says and Hermione grabs a chunk of Harry's hair. "Blimey Hermione!" He says and she hands them to Mad Eye he slushes them around and hands it to Fred. "Fair warning to those of you who've never had Polyjuice, it tastes like Goblin piss." Mad Eye tells everyone. "Had experience with that have you Mad Eye?" Fred asks and Mad Eye glares at him. "Just trying to diffuse the tention." He says taking a drink and passing it on to George and the change is almost immediate as they pass it on until everyone looks like Harry. "Wow we're identical!" Fred and George say and I laugh. George hears and turns around raising his eyebrows at me causing me to smile bigger. "Okay let's go shall we? We know our pairs. Potter you go with Hagrid." Mad Eye says and I walk out with him and Mundungus. "Ready? Go!" Mad Eye says and everyone takes off. No sooner than we hit the air Death Eaters strike shooting curses at us. "Stupefy! Protego! Expelliarmus!" I yell shooting while dodging. "Desperate times call for desperate measures!" Moody says and I shake my head but he nods. "Avada kedavra!" A death eater yells hitting Mad Eye, Mundungus disappears and I apparate going after him. "Mundungus! Mundungus Fletcher where are you?" I say walking through the streets of Diagon Alley when I hear something behind me. "Well don't you have alot of nerve showing up here? Everyone else is inside hiding from You know who." A voice says. "Hello Cousin how nice to see you again Draco! I see you are still playing Death Eater aren't you?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "STUPEFY!" He yells but I dodge it. "Expelliarmus!" I yell and he dodges it. He walks closer. "You'll have to be quicker than that." He says and I smile "Sectumsemrpa!" I say pointing my wand directly at his chest, he flies back and I apparate back to the Burrow. I check the time on my watch and I was searching for about two hours. I look down and instantly realize I'm covered in blood, Malfoy's blood and feel kind of light headed. I make my way up to the Burrow and Tonks looks outside. "Sammy what happened?" She asks. "Malfoy happened, I was searching for Mundungus and he showed up he came towards me like he was going to kill me so I used Sectumsempra." I tell her. "Where is George?" I ask and she looks down. "Tonks where is he?" I ask walking past her into the house seeing George lying on the couch. "What happened?" I ask and Mrs. Weasley looks up noticing me, looking relieved. "Is he okay?" I ask biting my lip. "He'll be okay Sam." She says. "Sam? Where?" He asks and I grab his hand sitting on the floor beside the couch. "Who's blood?" He asks and I smile. "Malfoy's." I say and he smiles. "Good girl!" He says and I kiss him holding his hand. "It's kind of eerie don't you think?" He asks and I laugh. "Eerie? Really you are something else Weasley." I tell him and he smiles as well as Fred. "He used holey earlier." Fred says and I shake my head. "Of all the ear related humour." I say and he laughs. "Where is she?" Remus asks walking in. "We couldn't find her or Mad Eyes body."  Bill says and Remus looks up at me. "Outside!" He says angry and I walk out. "What the hell are you thinking always running off damn it I know your Sirius's daughter but still." He says. "I'm seventeen I am a grown up Remus and I don't need to ask your permission for everything and if you must know I was going after Mundungus before he could escape. You've pissed me off all summer so please. Stay the hell out my business." I tell him and he is shocked, I turn around to go back inside but he grabs my arm. "You might win the battle, but I'm going to win the war!" He says about this argument. "I'm sick of all the fighting Remus I just don't know what's happening. When I see you I see him and I don't want to see him!" I tell him and he nods. "Think of something else, the toast thing really hurt my feelings I wanted you to do it, if you want space take the space but don't cry when it becomes too much." He says.

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