Chapter 8

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"Tonight concludes another great year at Hogwarts gone by in the blink of an eye and now I believe it is time to award the house cup."  Professor Dumbledore happily announces. "In fourth place we have Gryffindor with three hundred and twelve points." He announces and we clap. Hermione and Harry get so embarrassed the hide their faces. "It isn't you guys fault some of it is mine." I tell them and they look at me confused. "I may have helped Fred and George with a prank once." I tell them and they quietly laugh. "In third place Hufflepuff with three hundred and fifty points, taking second place is Ravenclaw with four hundred and fifty two points and in first place with four hundred and seventy two points slytherin." He announces and the slytherin's stand up clapping while all the other houses sulk down in their seats. "Yes we'll done slytherin very well done however recent events must be taken into account which means I have some last-minute points to award to Mrs. Hermione Granger for good use of intellect when others were in grave peril I award fifty points." Hermione blushes and I reach over hugging  her. "Second to Mr. Ron Weasley for the best played game of wizard chess Hogwarts has ever seen I award fifty points. And third to Mr. Harry Potter for pure nerve and courage I award Gryffindor sixty points." He announces and Harry smiles. "We're tied with Slytherin!" I tell Hermione. "Finally it takes a great deal of Courage to stand up to an enemy but an even greater deal to stand up to your friends so to Me. Neville Longbottom I award ten points so I believe a change in decorations is an order."  We all stand up cheering throwing our hats in the air almost like a muggle graduation.
The Next Morning

"Hello dear what is your name?" A woman who I presume is Mrs. Weasley asks me. "I'm Samantha it's nice to meet you Mrs. Weasley." I say shaking her hand. "Do you have all your blasted stuff boy?" A plump man with grey hair and a grey mustache asks Harry. "Hello you must be Harry's uncle and cousin I'm Samantha." I say trying to shake their hands but they step back. "I'll write you guys over the summer." I tell Harry, and the Weasley children as I see Remus standing off to the side. I grab my things and walk over to him. "How was your first year?" He asks and I smile. "Amazing I met Harry Potter." I tell him when we get back to his house. "Potter and Black running around together again." He says and I nod.  "How have you been after the full moon?" I ask and he smiles. "Don't worry yourself with it I am capable of handling myself during the full moon and after it just enjoy your break." He tells me and I nod. "I will." I tell him.

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