Chapter 24

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2 Months Later
"It will be okay!" I tell Hagrid as the door opens and Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter his home. "Hey Sam." Harry says and I stand up "I must be going." I tell Hagrid and go to leave but Hermione grabs my arm. "You two need to make up." Hermione says and I look at Harry. "I have nothing to say to him." I tell her and she sighs.

"Harry calm down." I say and he shakes his head. We're sitting in Remus's office as he's practicing. "No if he comes for me I want to be ready." Harry says. Remus is helping Harry, and I'm helping Remus. "He's not coming for you." I tell him and he looks at me weird. "Please can we continue." Remus asks and I nod. "You know the spell right?" Remus asks and I nod as he opens the trunk to release the boggart. "E-expecto Patronum." Harry says and a small sliver of light just escapes his wand. "Sammy you were supposed to help him if he faultered." Remus says. "I'm sorry I was thinking." I say. "Sammy!" Remus says. "It's not hard to come up with a good memory. I have one, the first time my dad held me." I tell him. "Samantha stop you do not have to go any farther than that." Remus says and I nod. "He's just trying to get my da-SAMANTHA LILY." Remus yells which is the first time I've heard him yell at me. "Lily?" Harry asks and I nod. "As in your mother Lily yes." I say and he nods. "It's easy, just a happy memory." I tell him. "Do you not think I am trying Sam! I can promise you I am trying my hardest why are you so against me learning this ?" He yells and I glare. "You want to know, you really want to know because my father is accused of being a murderer. Of murdering your parents, of betraying them to Voldemort when he would have truthfully died for them." I say and walk out slamming the door.

"Ouch!" Harry says and looks at me. "What was that for?" He asks and I look at him confused. "That wasn't me don't assume things." I snap and he glares. "It came from the direction you are standing!" He snaps back. "You children have to leave look." Hagrid says and we turn to see Dumbledore, Fudge, and the executioner. "Out the back, and Ron I found him the other day ye need to take better care of your pets." Hagrid says and Hermione nods as Hagrid pushes us out the back. We sneak away and make our way back up the dirt path to the school but stop beside the loose stones when we see it. The executioner brings up his skyrim and drops it on Buckbeak Hermione buries her face in Ron's shoulder and I do the same to Harry. "I'm going to head back up to the castle." I say and turn around going back. After I get in my dorm it's almost dark when I see a letter on my bed.

Entrance under the Whomping Willow. Please.  -Remus.

It says and I walk down the stairs of the dormitory.
Remus's P.O.V

"Well well Sirius. Looking kind of ragged aren't we?" I ask walking into the Shrieking Shack. "Finally the flesh reflects the madness within." I say and he smiles. "You'll know all about the madness within wouldn't you Remus?" He smiles and I help him up hugging him. "I found him Remus, I found him let's kill him. " Sirius says referring to Peter Pettigrew. "No I trusted you. He's a werewolf Harry that's why he's been missing classes." Hermione says. "You really are the brightest witch of your age." I say and turn back to Sirius. "There's someone else who wants to see you." I say and he smiles. "She wants to see me?She knows who I am?" He asks and I nod.
Sam's P.O.V
"You stupid tree." I yell sliding down the entrance. "Hello?" I ask and find my way inside the shack. "Sam?" Harry asks and I nod. "Remus what is going on?" I ask. "Samantha? Is that you?" I hear and turn to see my dad as I'm washed over by feelings. "Dad? I-I can't even. H-how?" I ask confused. "My little girl, I never got to see grow up, my little Firefly." He says and opens his arms for me to hug him which I do. "Ah hah I told Dumbledore you were helping him, I was hoping I was the one to catch you Black. The Dementors will be happy to see you." Snape says and Harry points his wand at Snape. "EXPELLIARMUS!" He shout sending Snape flying backwards. "Harry you just attacked a teacher!" I shout. "Tell me about Pettigrew." He says and my dad smiles "Peter come out, come out wherever you are." He says and instantly Ron's rat starts running, Remus shoots a spell at him and he turns into Pettigrew. "H-Harry you look just like James, James was my best friend he'd have mercy on me. Samantha you look beautiful with Sirius's eyes and hair color, your mother's features, so pretty." He says. "Don't you dare talk to him about James, and don't you dare talk to my daughter. You sold James and Lily out to Voldemort." My dad says. "I didn't mean to the dark lord is very persuasive, please don't kill me." Pettigrew says. "We'll take you to the castle, then the Dementors can have you." Harry says and Pettigrew cries harder. "Accio rope." I yell and some rope comes flying into my hand from the corner of the room. When we start walking I am standing behind all of them holding my wand at Pettigrew. "Look!" Hermione yells and I turn to see a full moon. "Remus calm you can fight it." I tell him. "Samantha stay back!" My dad says as Remus changes. Pettigrew picks up a wand and starts making his way towards me and I rummage through my stuff trying to find mine but realize it's in the dorm. He attacks me knocking me over causing me to hit my head on a rock and start to get dizzy. "Expelliarmus!" Harry yells shooting his wand out his hand as everything dies away.
The Next Morning

"What happened?" I ask waking up with a headache. "You hit your head on a rock giving you a minor concussion. Nothing serious how are you feeling?" Harry asks and I shrug. "I'm sorry about the rock thing it wasn't you who through it." He says and I nod. "Sirius says he'll see you this summer." Harry says. "He said to be packed." Remus says. "Harry can we have a moment alone?" Remus asks and Harry nods. "Remus if you don't want me to go I won't ." I say and he shakes his head "Your always Sammy, you will see me so often you will be sick of me for a whole different reason." He says smiling and I smile to.

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