Chapter 13

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"Gryffindor! Gryffindor!" I yell walking into the Great Hall and everyone turns to look at me weirdly.

"New hat?" George asks and I nod

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"New hat?" George asks and I nod. "Do you hate it?" I ask and he thinks before shaking his head. "Nice Hat!" Malfoy says walking by me laughing. "You spoiled brat!" I say as I am shoved by him. "Hey Malfoy!" I yell and he turns around smirking and I punch him causing Fred and George to stare. "Ms. Samantha no ma'am detention tomorrow with Professor Lockhart." McGonagall says and I nod sitting down. "Lucky I didn't knee him down under." I mumble causing the Gryffindor's around me to laugh. "Good morning Harry." I say as he sits down. "I have earned detention tomorrow night." I tell him and he stares at me. "What did you do?" He asks and I smile. "Ask Malfoy." I tell him and he laughs. "At least I'm not alone." He says and I nod. Suddenly George hugs me holding me there and I get a weird feeling in my stomach. "What in the name of Merlin ?" I ask and he laughs. "It's a hug I promise just a hug. You deserve it." He says and I smile trying to ignore the weird feeling .

"Welcome back to another Quidditch match." I yell because Lee was sick today I am the commentator this was the only way McGonagall agreed on no detention. "I'm your host the one the only Samantha Black. LET'S GET STARTED!" I yell and Gryffindor claps while Slytherin boo's. "Oh bite me Slytherin." I tell them. "Here they come the team everyone loves the house of Godric Gryffindor. And here they come and aren't they looking confident. "  I shout earning a applause from the professors and students. "Now they're sneaky, they're on occasion not totally annoying. The house of Salazar Slytherin." I yell and Gryffindor is completely quiet. "And let the game begin. There goes Gryffindor off to a great start already scoring. Harry's searching trying to find the sliver of gold needed in order for Gryffindor to win this match. Here comes a great block from Oliver Wood, there goes Katie Bell with a great shot but Slytherin blocks it taking it heading towards Gryffindor. There Harry takes off with Malfoy hot on his tail. Go HARRY Go!" I yell as he grabs at the snitch catching it. He doesn't stop flying. "What's this Harry Potter won Gryffindor the game. But he's not stopping what's that? Is that a rogue bludger? EVERYONE GET DOWN!" I yell as Harry ducks under something. After a few minutes McGonagall walks up to me whispering something in my ear. "Harry's okay just unconscious. UNCONSCIOUS  HARRY!" I yell running down the wooden stairs out onto the field. "His wrist is broken." Madam Pomfrey says and Lockhart steps forward. "I can fix it." He says and I move out of the way giving him a chance which goes out the window when Harry loses is bones. "You idio-SAMANTHA!" McGonagall yells and I calmly breathe.

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