Chapter 29

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2 Months Later (Valentine's day)

Harry looked terrible like he hasn't slept in a few days. "You look awful." I tell him and he smiles. "Thanks as if I didn't know." He says and I mock him causing George and Fred to laugh. George leans his head on my shoulder. "Aw!" I hear from behind me and turn to see Peeves. "Black and Weasley sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N- PEEVES AND DEATH SITTING IN A TREE THEIR PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER WANT TO MEET HER?" I ask and he shrugs rolling his eyes continuing to sing bouncing out of the Great Hall.  "I hate that ghost terribly." I tell George and he laughs. "Sam how is it possible that you keep getting better and funnier everyday?" Fred asks and I roll my eyes. "Years of practice." I tell him jokingly. "Here comes post." Harry says and I look up to see an owl who drops a package with a note in front of me. I pick up the letter and open it.

Happy Birthday Firefly,
How's school going? Are you using that sharp mind of yours. I hope so because it wasn't an inherited trait. The package is a gift. I miss you. Also Harry's told me the news about the boyfriend.
Love Dad.

I pick up the package and open it to reveal a bracelet with a wolf charm, and a crystal heart. It was beautiful and it had meaning behind it. "You told my dad?" I ask and he looks down "There's another note." Harry says changing the subject and I just now realize there truly is a note.  I pick it up and the writing shows it is from Remus.

Happy birthday! Fifteen years old is a big deal. I added the crystal heart to the bracelet from Sirius. I hope you like it very much. I will see you at break.
Sincerely, Remus.

"So today's your birthday?" George asks and I freeze. "No!" I say and Fred shakes his head along with George. "It is but is not a big deal. Will all of you stop looking at me like that please?" I ask referring to George, Fred, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny staring at me shocked. "It's just another day of the year." I say and he shakes his head again. "Happy birthday!" He says and a smile creeps on to my face as I wrap my arms around him hugging him. "Aw!" Hermione says.
The End of May. The third task

"There they go entering the maze of wonders to find the Goblet

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"There they go entering the maze of wonders to find the Goblet." The new announcer says since Crouch was murdered. "You know Fred and I want to open a joke shop when we leave Hogwarts?" He says and I shake my head. "You didn't tell me that, I could've guessed it though." I tell him and he smiles causing me to smile. "You have a pretty smile." He says and I blush. "You have a nice smile to." I say and he laughs. "Thank you!" Fred says and I look at him weird. "We're identical twins we look alike so therefore you said I have a beautiful smile." He says and I laugh. "Of course only you two." I say and turn back looking at the maze when Harry comes out everyone begins clapping. Until I notice something he's holding. "What is he holding? Wait who is he holding? Oh my gosh he's holding Cedric." I say and run down the steps. "Harry what happened?" I ask and he continues crying. "He's back, Voldemort is back." He says and Cho looks like she might cry. I can already feel myself about to start but George grabs me and hugs me. "Potter come with me." Moody says dragging him out. Fred, George, and I begin leaving since the twins are inseparable we all leave together when Snape, Dumbledore, and McGonagall all rush out as everyone leaves. Suddenly I'm lifted up onto Fred and George's shoulders as we make our way back to the castle.
Cedric's Memorial Service

"We will remember Cedric as the boy who stood up for his friends. The first casualty of many in the next war, many at the ministry will discourage me for telling you this but Cedric's death wasn't an accident he was murdered by Voldemort, taken in the prime of his youth." Dumbledore says as today marks the end of term.
Kings Cross Station

"I'll see you soon I promise." I say kissing George's cheek. "I promise too." He says trying to kiss me but I dodge him and he kisses me not letting me go just holding me there, hugging me. "Hello Mr. Weasley." I say shaking his hand and he smiles. "Hello Samantha it's nice to see you again." He says and I look to see Remus smiling noticing me and I smile back. "I'll see you soon." I say leaving. "Bye Fred, Hermione, and Ron." I say and notice Harry with his muggle aunt and uncle. I smile walking up to them. "You haven't got any friends." I hear his uncle say and I hug Harry. "I'll see you soon and stay out of trouble." I say punching his arm. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Samantha Black it's nice to meet you, I'm his godsister." I say and smile again. "Bye Harry." I say and run off to Remus.

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