Chapter 55

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Skip The Ministry
Ron Leaves Us!
Before Christmas Eve
The ministry was a success except I lost my father's house to the death eaters so we're camping out in the forest of Dean.

Ron got hurt and that locket is driving everyone mad. I knew it would be hard but I didn't expect all the fighting.

Remus and the other members of the order started a radio podcast with the real news of everything going on. Sometimes George gets on and talks and when I listen it's nice to be able to listen to his voice. I miss him a lot.

"Sam are you listening?" Hermione asks. "No I was thinking, sorry." I tell her and she sighs. "Okay, the sword of Gryffindor only takes in that which makes it stronger and basilisk venom gives it the strength and power to destroy horcruxes." She tells us. "Okay what does that mean?" I ask her.

"Don't you get it that's why Dumbledore left it to Harry in his will." She says and I smile.

"Brilliant we have to find that sword!" I say and the light disappears from the tent. Ron walks in looking extremely pissed about something.

"That's right I'm still here but don't let me ruin the fun " Ron says with a sour look on his face. "Something wrong?" Harry asks and Ron shakes his head.

"If there's something wrong let's get it out in the open." He says. "Harry..." I warn, trying to get him to stop.

"Did you think we'd be staying in a five star hotel finding a horcrux every other day, did you think you'd be home by Christmas?" Harry asks. "I listen to that radio everyday hoping I don't hear Ginny's name, or Fred, or George or my parents but what would you know your parents are dead." He says and Harry grabs after him starting to fight when Hermione tries to stop them.


"I'm going to go try to find him he can't be far from here." I whisper to Harry and leave wandering through the woods not able to find him. My first instinct is to go to the places he'd least likely be.
Search and No Find
Two Days Later

I'm sitting in a pub in Knockturn because if someone wanted to hide it would be there. He isn't here but these people are giving me looks.

"This place is dangerous young lady you should leave, these times are bad come back if things get better though they hopefully will someday." The man in a pub says as I take a sip of butterbeer.

I get up and leave dropping a galleon on the table when a thought pops into my mind. Why didn't I think of this at first?

The burrow is the obvious answer he would want to see his family. I step into the cold winter air and think of the burrow the place I want to go and apparate there.

"Mrs. Weasley are you there?" I yell and she doesn't respond. "Mrs. Weasley?" I ask and she runs out hugging me.

"How are you? How are Hermione and Harry?" She asks me and he expression changes to a more serious one. "How is Ron? Is he okay?" She asks me and I can't bring myself to tell her what happened.

"Ron's good. I just forgot something we needed when we left in a rush and they needed me to come get it." I tell her and she smiles.

"George moved it to the living room. He figured it was something important." She tells me and I smile. "He misses you. He's been so worried about you and he loves you. He hates you being so far away." She says.

"I do too and I miss him too." I tell her and she leads me inside where my bag is sitting on the living room couch.

"I have errands to run but please send Ron, Harry, and Hermione my love." She says and I nod about to apparate away after she does.

"Mom I'm home!" I hear and stop recognizing the voice.

"George!" I smile and turn freezing when I look into his brown eyes. Before I can say anything he pulls me in kissing me.

"I've missed you." He says looking into my eyes and I smile. "I've missed you more." I say kissing him again.

He rests his hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He deepens the kiss pulling me closer to him.

He pulls away smiling at me before he speaks. "Are you sure?" He asks me. I lean my forehead against his staring into his eyes as I slowly unbutton his shirt and push it off his shoulders.

He picks me up resting one of his hands on my lower back and the other is entangled in my hair.

He pulls me closer to him and walks up the stairs to his room. He sits me down on the bed and I pull my shirt over my head.

"You look beautiful." He tells me as he leans over me kissing me. I lay down as he moves from my lips kissing down my neck and finds my sweet spot on my neck causing me to gasp.
(You know what happens next)

"I love you George." I tell him. "I love you too Sam." George says as he hooks my bra and he leans forward kissing my neck.

"I have something for you." He tells me putting a necklace around my neck.

I look down seeing its a locket and on the back it has our initials.

"Open it

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"Open it." He tells me and I look back at him smiling. I open it and see a picture of us from the Yule Ball. It's a moving picture from when he first spun me on a circle.

"I love it." I tell him and lean against his chest as he kisses me.

"I have to get back to everyone." I tell him as I put my shirt on and he nods. "I have to get back to Fred and the store." He tells me and I hug him.

"I'm going to miss you." I tell him as a tear slips out of my eye.

"I'm going to miss you too Love." He tells me.

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