walking & waiting

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"Omfg she just told me she loved me she doesn't mean it though," I thought to myself while Reddish Blu locked our hands together. I smiled at our entwined fingers.

I began to see Jahseh and Diego's gay asses laying in the sun as we came upon them.

"GAY ASS PUSSY BITCHES!" I said laugh at them.

"Shut the fuck up yo we were hot." Jahseh said grabbing his shirt.

Reddish Blu did a her cute ass laugh and said "Look there is a building maybe we could get on a bus to California."

"You know what just hit me?" I said looking a Diego and Jahseh.

"Whattt?" Diego questioned.

"Where the fuck are we at?" I said pulling out my phone letting go of Reddish Blu's hand.

"Colorado." I said looking at my current location.

"SO WE ARE BY THE GRAND CANYON!" Diego yelled excitedly.


I looked at both of them blankly with disappointment and said " what the fuck is wrong with y'all. Y'all as dumb as fucking rocks. The Grand Canyon is in Arizona."

They both just looked at me in shame.

Reddish Blu giggled grabbed my hand and said "let's keep walking."

We all followed behind her while blast music out of the small speaker. We rapped along to our favorite parts and yelled our favorite songs sharing laughs and memories.

"I DONT CARE IF SHE THICC I PUT MY DICK IN THAT BITCH WHAT I PUT MY DICK IN THAT BITCH!" We all yelled and I caught Diego looking at Reddish Blu's ass. So I unlocked our hands and slapped it as hard as I could.

"OWW WHAT THE FUCK GUSTAV!" She yelled at me smiling, hitting my chest.

I just laughed at her as I swiped her off the ground and held her right in front of me with her arms around my neck and placed mine under her ass. She smiled rested her head in the crook of  neck. I looked at Diego and said "Mine."

He looked down at his shoe and kept walking.

Once we got to the building I put Reddish Blu down and opened the door. As soon as I opened the door I saw a familiar face. It was my sprit animal. Jazz. ( aka Lil Tracy. )

"JAZZ!" I screamed as my eyes started to tear up.

Jazz ran away when we were 15 he never told me he just left a note for me that read "I'm gone Gus don't come looking I love you. And when you miss me look at the stars." I looked at the stars every night after he left and hoped one day I would see him again. Now I'm here in a tight embrace in Jazz arms.

We both said things like "I missed you" "what's up" "godd" "waz good brother" "I missed the fuck outta you"

After we were done sobbing he finally asked "what the fuck are you doing here?"

"We are moving to California to chase our dreams in music." I said smiling.

"I wanna come!" He said jumping up and down like a little girl.

"REALLY!" I said existed.

"Yea, this is a bus station and there are plenty of buses going straight for California. There is one about 3 hours from now and there are 5 seats left." He said looking at a computer screen.

"NO FUCKING WAY?" I yelled.

"Keep your voice down and yes I'll get them." He said clicking around on the computer.

Reddish Blu, Diego, and Jahseh were behind me excitedly smiling.

"Tickets are 50$ a piece." Jazz said.

"Well I'll pay" I said putting down 250$

Reddish Blu, Diego, and Jahseh put down 50$ each.

"No baby we need to pay for our own adventure." Reddish Blu said giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

Jazz handed me 200$ back and kept 50$ for my ticket.

Buy the time we got the tickets and signed papers the bus was outside. We boarded the bus giving our tickets to an attendant. As we sat down I sat by Jazz and Reddish Blu and Diego and Jahseh sat across from us.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the grayhound tour bus we will be arriving to our destination tomorrow at 2:30AM."

All I was think about was catching up with Jazz and all the questions I had for him.

hey babies!
Sorry im not the best updater but tomorrow I have a 15 HOUR PLANE RIDE!!!! SO IM FINNA UPDATE LOADSSSSSSSS!!!!
remember to comment and vote!

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