come home!

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New obsession song^^(Hollywood dreaming)

1 week later

Jahseh POV

Nobody has seen or heard from Diego in a week, everyone was getting worried. Taylor hasn't left his sweatshirt since the last time she heard from him. She often cried into his bed full of sweatshirts, I don't blame her though. Even though all the stupid shit he's done in the last few weeks he's still a great friend.

"Jahseh?" Nicki broke my thoughts.
(Nicki is his girlfriend if you forgot)

"Yes mami?" I said.

"Gustav is calling you from the living room" my focus from her broke as I tuned into reality to hear Gustav's voice.

I got off of our bed and and walked into the living room. Reddish blu was hanging off of him arms around his neck, leg on his back to one side as he leaned over the the counter on his phone ignoring her like she wasn't even there.

"Come here and look at this." he said shifting himself so she was on his other side.

I looked down at his phone. Diego was active on snapchat less then 20 minuets ago his location was in the house though.

"He was here?" I said looking at gustav as Reddish blu's head popped up with a confused expression like one of those weasels from the old arcade game.

"That's what Snapchat says" he said looking at his phone.

"Well what do we do now?" I exhaled.

"I don't know." He threw his phone and put his head in his hands causing Reddish Blu's body to fall and hang from him so she sat down and clutched his leg like a child putting her head down.

I could tell he felt that somehow this was his fault. I didn't know if Diego left because of him or some other reason. I really didn't care. I just want him to come back.

I turned to the sound of the door opening. In walked Taylor.

"Hey. I think I know where Diego might be." She was happy but you could see she had been crying.

Gustav's head shot up as he tried to walk with Reddish Blu hooked to his leg.

"Where!" He said smiling.

"Well I logged into his Snapchat and he saved 6 photos in the last 4 days. 1 has the location of Los Angeles and 5 have Santa Monica. And the most recent ones have Santa Monica" She sighed.

"Santa Monica? Isn't that where tana moved?" Gustav questioned.

"Yea but..." Gustav didn't let me finish.

"I know where she lives, let's go." He picked Reddish Blu up and carried her to the car. I ran out after them. Taylor stood at the door.

"Can I come!" She yelled out.

"HURRY UP AND GET IN" i screamed from the window.

She climbed into the front seat.

I skrt away drove towards Santa Monica.

~~ in Santa Monica ~~

It only took about 20 minuets to get to Santa Monica.

"Her place is up here on the left" Gustav said as I pulled over.

I looked into the backseat where Gustav and Reddish Blu we're sitting she was spread across him with her arm around his neck laying her head down.

"Are you ready" Gustav said.

"Yea" I said looking over at Taylor as she nodded.

We got out and knocked on the door. There he was at the door with Tana slung over his shoulder as she held onto him. Taylor's eyes swelled up with tears. Diegos smile faded as he realized what was unfolding before his eyes.

"D-Diego? Wh-what are you doing?" Gustav said trying to shrug Reddish Blu off his shoulder.

"I-I dont know." His eyes filled with tears.

"Taylor? Baby! I love you. I really do. Nothing happened!" He cried.

"Don't talk to me Diego! ALL THOSE I LOVES'  WERE LIES! you never... ever... loved me. All you are is a Lying cheating bitch! Fuck you Diego! I love you with all my heart! I gave you everything! I would do anything for you! And this is how you betrayed me! TWICE! I'm sorry Diego... I can't be with you."

Diego fell to his knees and pleaded and begged to her that he would change. She just looked up and shook her head. Then Tana had to open her mouth.

"Listen taya nothin' happened between us. Even when I asked if he came to get back together. He said he had the most beautiful hearted, perfect girl in the world. He asked if he could stay here for a while because he doesn't know anyone else in LA. You've got yourself the most loyal boy in the world all he did was talk about you, Gustav, and Jahseh. But he just went on and on on about how amazing you are... baby he doesn't want me and he surely don't want you. He needs you!" Tana brought her in a hug and told her that she was lucky to have Diego.

Diego got up off his feet "baby will you be mine?"

Hey babies!

Sooooo sorry i haven't been updating I had a KILLER  migraine lol sorry💔

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