a chapter about Diego's fucking hell... i mean life

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diego pov

i was laying on my bed next to a girl named Lola. She was actually one I was thinking about keeping she was sweet and cute.

"Okay baby girl." I said laying on my side.

"Yes?" She said she was still pretty messed up from getting dicked down.

"You can stay the night if you want?" That was an offer that never seemed to leave my lips. I could feel a connection with her so why not give it a try, its been over a week since a broke up with Taylor and my life was rapidly declining to a low point without a girl to keep me on track.

"I'd like that." She smiled pushing my big fluffy hair out of my face.

"Okay, do you want a sweatshirt to sleep in?" I said sitting up making my way toward my closet assuming she would say yes.

"Uh, yea, I guess" she hesitated. I wonder whats going thought her mind and why she hesitated.

"Okay, here." I handed her a hoodie with 'xanarchy' printed on it with the skittles logo.

"Thank you." She said sitting up slipping on her thong and my hoodie.

"You hungry?" I asked walking towards my door.

"Starving, but youre only in your boxers." She laughed.

"Oh, everyone walks around this house in 'after sex' wear. Unless your Gus, then he don't give a shit. sorry in advance if he's naked downstairs." I said walking over to her biting my lip as I grabbed her hips. She giggled as I picked her up of the bed carrying her in front of me. As we reached the kitchen I heard Gus and reddish blu arguing. I looked pasted Lola checking to see if Gus was clothed. He had his Calvin kline boxers on and a bra that was probably reddish blu's.

"What kind of freaky ass shit are y'all up to?" I asked looking him up and down letting Lola down.

"Im fucking gay Diego, but only for you." He said jokingly running at me.

"Oh hell nah! Get the fuck away from me!" I said running over to the sink grabbing a glass plate like I was going to throw it at him.

"Okay! Stop!" Reddish blu said stepping between us. I put the plate back in the sink walking over to Lola who had wide eyes as she giggled.

"Alright, baby girl what do you wanna eat?" I wrapped my arm around her as she looked down making her hair fall around her beautiful face and smile.

"Oh shit, didn't even see you" Gus said looking at Lola.

"Me too, what is your name?" reddish blu asked.

"Lola," she said smiling at the couple. They asked her questions about herself as I zoned out into my thoughts.

Why are Gus and red so perfect together? I haven't seen them apart for months, and they truly love each other. I want something like them, something nothing like Taylor and I's relationship that was barely a thing we were really only fuck buddies, she didn't love me, I liked her but it was easy to let go of her. It just hurts me to see people so perfect together because really thats all I want.

"Diegooo?" I snapped back into the real world and heard Lola calling my name.

"Uh, yes."

"Did you hear her?" She said. Who is she referring to?

"No?" I said quite embarrassed.

she giggled as reddish blu asked her question again.

"when did y'all meet?" She laughed.

"Uh, I went to the club earlier and she ended up in my bed." I said winking and smiling as Lola looked down and giggled.

"Nice one." Gus high fived me as Red rolled her eyes.

"Uh, there is some left over pizza in the fridge if y'all are hungry." Gus said pointing to the fridge as him and Reddish blu shuffled their high asses out of the kitchen.

"Okay," I said getting the box out and getting 8 pieces out heating them up in the microwave.

We ate our pizza and went back too my room to watch a movie I dont know why but we agreed on Shrek. Who I secretly love.

As we watched it she slowly fell asleep in my arms her head on my shoulder. I smiled at her as she looked so peaceful when she was asleep.

Maybe she is the one.

Diego and Lola?

Do you think Diego should get together with Lola?

Is it to soon?

I want to give y'all some part of Diego and jahseh's lives too not just Gus and Reddish Blu.

Even thought this is called 'u said' LiL Peep its really a fanfic about Gus,Diego and Jahseh. Reddish Blu too. :)

im going to start doing a few questions at the end of each chapter. (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ANSWER THEM your answers matter a lot)

1.) what is your fav lil peep hair phase or style? ex. the half pink and black (my fav)

2.)your fav song from hellboy? ( I cant chose between fucked up, red drop shawty, or move on, be strong.)

3.) fav album from lil peep? ( mine is bellboy and the feelz ep)

ill ask you more next chapter. but ilysm babies oh and scroll down ;)







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