suck my blood

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thats how i image gus looking this whole chapter.

reddish blu pov

i put the knife to his pale skin, i chose the side that didn't have as many tattoos because i didn't want to scar them. i slid it across slowly as the dark red blood rushed to the surface as gus and i watched it, fascinated. 

"do you know why we bleed?" gus asked me looking into my eyes every time i look at him i lose myself in his dark pools of eyes.


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"no." i said even though he told me before i wanted him to tell me again because he was so passionate about it.

"After getting a cut, scratch, or abrasion, your skin may start bleeding. This happens because the injury breaks or tears the tiny blood vessels, which are right under the skin's surface. Your body wants to stop the bleeding though." he said watching his blood flow as i did the's so calming. i swiped my fingers across his arm swashing the blood across his arm like a new eyeshadow. i stared at the red think liquid that stained my fingertips he looked at me eyes wide and focused he was definitely close to fully being sober. i put my tongue on the tip of my fingers sliding it across as he watched his eyes followed my tongue. blood taste strange but i like to look at it. i slid the blade that i cut his arm with down my tongue it stung but the pain is my favorite feeling of all. He admired my every move closely as his eyes traveled around slowly. i held the knife by the blade tightly making my hand burst open with blood flowing down my hand.i took my bloody hand lifting Gus' arm to my mouth. licking his warmth silky smooth texture blood with a copper aftertaste.

"i don't want to get married." gus blurted out. what did he just say?  he knows i have a fucking knife in my hand right?

"w-what? gus?" i could feel tears sting my eyes,

"baby! just not right now because... my mom cant come right now. my grandfather died." he said.

"oh my god gus are you going to the funeral?" i asked shocked.

"my aunt pumpkin planed it, i wasn't invited because im nothing like the usual" he seemed so calm.

"well, i don't want you to be unhappy, how could i make you happy?" i whispered in his ear seductively. 

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now