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reddish blu pov

I've been listening to everything these few months or days or years for all I know it feels like an eternity, I don't know how long it been but, gus hasn't left my side.

I then felt a sleepy type feeling and a slowing of my body. 

breath... there is some bright light that comes to my vision then...

gus pov 

I heard the flatline and it seemed as if that line went straight through my heart and killed me.

I couldn't even cry but my heart was broken, nah my heart don't fucking exist.

I put my head in my hands and tried to let everything sink in, I couldn't, I had to go get dr.hell.

I slowly got up waving at jahseh as he stared at reddish blu with tears molding his face.

I spotted dr.hell and tapped his shoulder I then picked up my hand and drew an imaginary line in the air looking at it blankly. He got what I meant because he let a tear fall from his face but quickly wiped it away looking happy?

"gus I'm sorry I forgot to..." I cut him off putting my finger to his lips.

"Shhh, she's here, In spirit, great souls never die." I said.

"GUS!" I heard what sounded like reddish blu. 

I turned towards her room and there she was alive and walking with the help of jahseh. I dropped to my knees. my heart started racing. shes okay!

"Baby!" I screamed blasting towards her like a linebacker. I entwined her into a tight hug. when I pulled away I kissed her face at least 1000 times.

"baby, I was so scared I was going to lose you! I never wanna let you out of my sight, FUCK I'm so fucking sorry! baby please I'm sorry, I need you. your my everything my whole world was crushed into trillions of pieces when I thought you were gone. baby are you real is this real?" I rambled

"Gus!" she yelled at me.

"I heard everything you said when I was in bed, I love you, Gustav!" she exclaimed.

she could hear me!

"but I really wanna go home Gus, I miss everyone and dr.hell said we could leave ASAP if I woke up."


after about an hour of signing papers, Reddish Blu and I were able to go home.

we were about 15 minutes into our drive home when I finally opened up my mouth to speak. "we are getting married next week. I don't care about shit I need to marry you now." I said grasping her hand.

"I agree," she said kissing my hand.

hey, babies, I'm sorry I haven't updated.

I'm starting strict updating thing for me I'm going to post the new book tomorrow and then every day ill post a chapter for one book and the next day for the other. okay, I love yall.

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