everythings out!

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Reddish blu pov

"I think this is the one." I said smiling in the mirror turning to Cammi to see if she liked it. I was hoping she would it was a beautiful lace dress with hints of pink and black. Since our theme was of course pink and black.

 Since our theme was of course pink and black

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"I love it reddi." She gave me a sad smile as she started to tear up. Her mascara ran down the middle of her cheeks. "I can't believe you're actually getting married."

"Me either but I can't wait to finally be committed to Gustav for life." I turned to look at the dress once more.

"I think I'm getting this one." I smiled going to the dressing room to take it off and pay. God I'm actually getting married to the love of my life. Everything happened so fast I've barely known Gus for a year but I'm certain that he is the one. The one I want to give myself to.

Gus pov

"I don't like this one. It's to much darkness." I looked in the mirror at the itty bitty stripe of pink on my suit I was wearing. "I like the last one better."

"Me too." Diego and Tracy added

"Okay let's go with that one." I said getting off the step the leaded to a wall of mirrors.

"You only tried on two!" The tall Mexican man who had helped us find the suit exclaimed

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"You only tried on two!" The tall Mexican man who had helped us find the suit exclaimed.

"I only like two!" I smartly commented shutting him up real quick.

"Gus you and Red are so unique with the colors hot pink and black?" Diego laughed.

"Matches my hair." I smiled shutting my eyes closed tightly as he laughed. I walked over to the register to pay for my suit before picking out there groomsman attire.

"That'll be 252.78$ sir." I handed over the cash and headed back to see whatever they had on.

They had actually picked a very color that corresponded well with what I chose

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They had actually picked a very color that corresponded well with what I chose. "I like it." I said looking at the three of them looking at themselves admiring that they actually looked good it pink.

"can we get them?" Diego spring around to look at me.

"Yea, let's go. My mom is going to be at the airport in 2 hours." We paid for our things and went out to my truck carefully putting the suits in to keep them nice and straight.

"Alright lets drop this off and get my momma." I got in and drove off.

Reddish blu pov

"I'm getting married tomorrow and honestly I'm so ready." I said to my mother who I haven't seen in almost a year. She wasn't mad that I left without notice at least I think she wasn't she was just glad to see me.

"I missed you so much little one." She smiles I could smell her signature fragrance, tabu. "I'm so sorry your sister couldn't come." Her smile faded as she looked down to the floor.

"It's okay mom I'm just happy you and dad could make it here." I leaned over to hug her "Gustav should be here in any moment with his mom, Liza." My dad was very thrilled that I had agreed to marry Gustav without his blessing and being that my dad is very strict with these things I'm scared to see how he's going to react to a Gus and everyone I live with. They aren't exactly what he expected me to end up with. He wanted me to be with some average man who would make lots of money who never did anything more than a speeding ticket so we could have plenty of children and I could be a stay-at-home mom and be protected and clueless and other shit.

"Honey! I'm homeeee!" Jahseh screamed from the front door putting his head up and his arms out for Nicki. Bexey came in the door behind him holding a bag of groceries I'm guess one of us were going to be making dinner with whatever was in the bag.

"Hi jahseh." I giggled I could tell my father was already not impressed and gus isn't even in the house. "Mom, dad this is Jahseh he is Nicki's boyfriend" I said.

"Oh shit! sorry I didn't know you were here! I would have behaved more." He said wrapping his hands around Nicki tightly giving her a small kiss.

"Anddd that's bexey. He is originally from London England!" I exclaimed.

"Nice." My dad said looking at the tatted boys he was not a fan of tattoos. Then in came Tracy and Diego. Of course Gus was going to be last inside.

"Ayee reddi!" Diego stumbled inside even though he was sober.

"Hey Diego. This is my parents Ashely and David." Diego smiled and shook my moms hand. My mom was very friendly person open and excepting to everyone, my dad on the other hand was the opposite.

"Oh, and this is Jazz but he goes by Tracy." He hugged my mom and nodded at my dad. I could tell my dad was not going to be pleased with Gus. Then finally Gus entered with a short brown-haired women in her 50's.

"Baby!" I exclaimed. I grabbed ahold of him squeezing him tightly giving him a kiss.

"Hey doll." He smiled keeping me in his arms as I stared up from his chest at the glorious sight before me. "missed you."

"I missed you too." I smiled. I released myself from his grip slipping under his arm turning to my parents.

"This is Gustav, my future husband." I looked at them as my dads jaw dropped.

"This? This is your boyfriend." My dad started.



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