a crying alien.

539 17 25

gus pov

I was smoking the last bit of my weed with reddish blu when I heard the doorbell ring. I figured it was Brooke she always seems to know when I'm running low so she brings me weed, coke, xans well you get it. shes my plug. I texted her to just leave it in the mailbox. as I waited for her to text back I got a text I didn't expect. 

brooke (plug): I'm not there??? I dropped yours hours ago. diego answered the door, you were sleep or sum.

so Diego has my shit and some random person as at my door. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

"where are you going?" reddish blu turned over to face the door.

"someones at the door." I said which made her give me a confused look just to follow me out of our room in curiosity. as approached the door I looked out the little peaking hole to see an alien standing with his head down on my doorstep drenched in rain. I opened the door welcoming him in as thunder boomed in the background. he stepped in and hugged me I could tell he was very upset and maybe crying but I couldn't tell if he was crying because of the rain the covered him. 

"whats wrong bex." I said still letting him hug me.

"shay, she broke up with me." he sobbed in my ear. he was distraught.

"bex, I should tell you it's going to be okay and there are plenty of fish in the sea but I'm not because I know how attached we get to these girls and how fast they fuck us over. you'll find a good girl. I promise. I did when I never thought I would." I said as reddish blu smiled at me.

"can I stay with you? forever?" bexey choked.

IDK WHAT TO DO????? i have 2 endings to this chapter first person to comment picks the ending

stay or go?


I want to add macned and then kill him off lol.

I miss u, Gustav.

fuck macned.

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now