beat it baby

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Gus pov

It was my mom. Her mouth was draped open she held a laundry basket with a yellow towel draping out of it. She looked at us carefully a tear ran down her cheek.

"Mom get her off of me! I don't like her." I looked down at the live video noticing comments calling Emma a slut one particularly from cammi reading 'GET OFF MY BEST FRIENDS MAN HOE!" luckily she wasn't home for she couldn't come in hear and beat Emma's ass like she did Taylor. My mom grabbed Emma and pulled her to the ground.

"Emma! Gus is a married man now! I know you loved him but it has to stop now!" She yelled at Emma as she started crying. Reddish blu entered the room looking over the scene that was taking place in front of her.

"Baby! It's not what it looks like I promise!" I reacted to her presence. She looked at me and smiled.

"I know Gus. I saw your live." She giggled. I looked down at my phone thankful it was there. My mom stepped away from Emma. Reddish Blu immediately took her place. "Listen bitch I should beat your ass but I'm going to give you one damn chance to run the fuck out of here like Taylor." She smiled brightly I had to laugh at her joke. Emma stood silently for a few seconds.

"I'm Gus' best friend! I'm not leaving!" She exclaimed. "Right Gus?" Their eyes darted to me catching me off guard.

"Emma you should go." I said firmly. I honestly didn't want her here. She had caused enough trouble. I just want to be with reddish blu.

"Gus!" She pleaded.

"Emma go!" I yelled. My mom was shocked at my anger towards Emma.

"Emma I think it's best if you go. Now." She said softly patting Emma's back. She was distraught.

"I just want to hangout with Gus a little longer." She whimpered. Reddish blu had had enough because she struck Emma right in her face wrapped her arms around her slamming her to the ground repeatedly punching her in various places. Emma stuck her arms up grabbing reddi's hair pulling her head to the side but not stopping her.

"Stop! Stop!" My mom screamed. I rushed the blanket off of me. Grabbing red by her torso lifting her off Emma who now had a bloody nose, black eye, and busted lip. As I lifted her she kicked her feet and kept punching the air.

"Baby baby it's okay!" I turned her around she looked at me wrapping herself around me jumping up onto me.

"I think it's time for our break to be over." She whispered to me kissing me softly on the neck. I pulled her away just to joyfully hug her again.

***1 day later***

Reddish blu jumped on the couch beside me after she got back from what ever she was doing with Nicki.

"Hey hubby!" She said picking up a sac of weed starting a new blunt.

"Ew don't call me that. Makes me feel old." I complained. Husbands are usually like 30. I'm only 21!

"Oh but calling you daddy is okay." She rolled her eyes at me putting the grinded weed into the swisher sweet cigar skin.

"Hell ya!" I kissed her pausing my game with bexey. She pulled on my hoodie string pulling me up as she straddled me.

"I got some new Lingerie, wanna go try some on?" She smirked at me as I hopped off the couch leaving bexey behind to follow Reddish blu.

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