Should have left you

920 31 49

Gustav pov

I got up without waking her up and got in my car.

I didn't care to leave a note because... fuck it.

I pulled up to the kay. The jewelry store, The one that has the catchy jingle "every kiss begins with Kay!"

I looked through out the rings they had for about an hour. Everything for her had to be perfect.

I finally picked one that had a diamond in the middle with the word love wrapped around it in pink rose diamonds.

"This one." I said to the lady behind the counter who looked about 40.

"Are you sure you can...afford it??" She said looking me up and down.

Does this bitch know who I am??

"Hey bitch why don't you worry about if your saggy ass tittys are hangout old ass whore nobody wants your ass. I making bands out here, just wait you'll here me in your house when your kids put on my music. lil peep ain't no broke boi now tell me the price because I'm SURE Lil peep CAN AFFORD anything in this store and all of it combined." I said angrily.

I noticed in the middle of me specking to her a 17-18 year boy walked in and was being assisted by another man. But he started to walk over when I started to speak louder.

"Y-your Lil peep?" He said in awe.

"It's the real live hellboy, in the flesh" i said.

"HOLY SHIT! IM LITERALLY YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" That's the first time I've ever heard someone say that. I only have 497,825 SoundCloud listeners.

"Aye! Your the first fan I've ever ran into!"

"REALLY? Everyone listens to you at my university!" He responded.

"What's your university?"

"UCLA! But I don't want to bother you I just really wanted to ask for a quick picture..."

"I wanna come to your university and meet your friends I'll give you my number. And a picture." I laughed.

"IM GONNA HAVE LIL PEEPS NUMBER?!" He said excitedly.

"Yea, just don't give it to anyone."

"I won't... promise on my soul!"

We snapped a picture and I gave him my number then I turned back to the lady who was shook.

"See. I'm a pretty big deal" I said pointing to the kid.

She scoffed and said "5,500."

"Here" I pulled out 6,000 "keep the change"

She counted the money and handed me the ring in a nice box.

"Thanks" I said walking to the door when I noticed the kid didn't have enough money. He was about 150$ short.

"Here kid" I handed him 2 fresh hundred dollar bills and before he could say anything I was gone.

I back to my apartment
I got roses and petals leading from my door to me. and turned on the speaker and played a song I've yet to release called star shopping.


I turned it all the way up so everyone would wake up.

The first ones up were Diego and Taylor.

Then everyone was up accept reddish blu.

If this bitch don't wake the fuck up.

I played the song again.

Finally she was up. Finally she was up. She opened the door with her sleep eyes and was shocked to see what was happening. I waved her over and she came. I turned the speaker down till you could barely hear it.

"Redanna blu Onkays I love you with all my heart and I wouldn't trade the world for you, but I want to give you the world. You MEAN the universe to me, you're my everything! You're everything I ever fucking wanted! I love you. I love you with everything I have. And I want to make you mine... forever." I got down on my knee and opened the box.

"Gustav I-I love you! YES!" I put the ring on her finger and spun her around.

"Your fucking mine." I said.

"For fucking ever!" She said smiling.

Now this is perfect!

Hey babies sorry I'm updating so late I feel asleep and... yea.


Okay so, I was in Santa Monica,California
My OG hometown. ( now I live in cold ass Pennsylvania eww ikr ) but I was going to the store and stuff for my mom and I ran into DIEGO I WAS SHOOK ( I've had dreams like this before where I lived by him and shit. ) but he was like "you wanna come back to my place... im in the mood for skittles" AND I WAS LIKE "HELL YA" but when we pulled up I WOKE UP. BITCH I WANTED TO TASTE HIS SKITTLES!!! I sound crazy but ohhhh whaleeeee! I love you babies!!! Byeeee

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