Mmm sweet

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I could tell Reddish Blu was mad at me for basically ignoring her for the past 4 hours but I was talking to Jazz about everything that's happened in the past 4 years.

"wow I really missed you bro." Jazz said as we started to finish our conversation.

"I missed you too Jazz" I said back.

"Gustav." I heard Reddish Blu say as I gave Jazz a small hug.

I turned to her a shook my head "yes"

But she was already turned talking to Jahseh and Diego.

I shook my head at her and turned back to Jazz.

He was fast asleep and I didn't want to bother him so I put my head down on Reddish Blu's shoulder.

"I love you." I said giving her neck a soft meaningful kiss.

"I-i love you to Gustav" she said with a small whimper.

"Do you like neck kisses baby girl." I said smirking at her.

"Ya-yes" she said as I started to kiss her neck again.

She covered her mouth and shut her eyes tightly.

"Diego, jacket!" I said while Diego looked over and threw me a jacket.

I put the jacket over hers and my lap as I slid my hand down her pants and threw her underwear I then looked up at her to see if she was okay with what I was about to do.

She nodded.

I then stuck my two fingers as deep as I could into her and started to thrust them inward and outward. She was soaked.

After about 30 seconds she let out a loud moan and I stopped and pulled my fingers out and let her erupt on them. I then pulled them out of her pants and put them in my mouth.

"Mmm sweet"

She then rushed back to the bathroom.

hey babies I'm sorry I didn't update like I promised I got really sick on the plane

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