fucking hell!!

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iMessage from diego🐍
1 attachment.

I opened up the message to see a strange video it was just a black screen with footsteps and a kiss sound in background

What the hell???
Why did you text
Me that??

I put down my phone and didn't think of what it really was and I really didn't care he was probably drunk or some shit. I laid back down and snuggled up to Reddish Blu.


I went in the studio and saw Taylor listening to a part of a song with jahseh.

"HEY Baby?" I said so she could hear me though the headphones.

"Oh! Hey baby. Come listen to this song it's really good.


"Okay?" I listen to her and put on some headphones.

After I listen to the song it really hit me in my heart.

I kissed Taylor bye "see you at home" and before she knew it I was out the door.

I didn't know where I was going or anything I just wanted to drive.

Hey babies
Sorry for the SUPER short chapter but I have to redo this whole project for some dumb ass reason okay so imma post a chapter so y'all can actually get to know me. Lol but we had this science project and we had to make up a new life form and write a news article about it... SO I DECIDED TO DO THE SEABEAR FROM SPONGE BOB! And my teacher was like FUCK YOU! And said I had to redo it.

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