try to understand. you're not! you're not!

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gus pov

(A/N I wrote this in two parts if you wanted the book to end then read part two if you want to keep reading then read part 1 or read both ~\_'~'_/~)

( song above 'hate my life' - lil peep )

continued book

I walked in to hear 'hate my life' playing over the sound system that we installed for parties and other shit. I was honestly confused for a second until I looked in the living room Reddish blu was cuddled up to a few of my favorite hoodies a picture of me and a necklace I bought her was dangling from her hand as she squeezed it tightly her makeup was smudged as she sobbed into the sweatshirts.

"baby?" I said quietly as I cried at the sight of her being so heartbroken. she looked up slowly her eyes red, nose stuffy, her lips hung open.

"G-gus?" she said standing up slowly walked towards me.

"it's me, baby I'm sorry I can't live without you and there really isn't any other way to describe it. I love you." I said walking towards her "baby, im truly sorry." I wrapped my arm around her tightly. I didn't want to tell her what happened after I ended that phone call earlier and she didn't ask she just sobbed into my chest.

"I need you," she said in my chest. 

"I need you too." I kissed the top of her head lightly. "I want to change things around here."

"what you mean Ecstasy." she asked smiling her sadness away. (A/N ecstasy makes you happy gus makes her happy)

"we never associate with the other assholes in this house. I want to start getting everyone outta their fucking comfort zone and actually hang out like we used to." I smiled as I felt a break of happiness break out because of me being here with her. I decided to call a 'house meeting' or whatever you wanna call it. it took 20 minutes just to get everyone out of their rooms and into the living room. 

"none of us chill together anymore." I said as they looked at each other.

"Diego? you cut your hair and got a new girl?" jahseh said looking at Diego wide-eyed. 

"see! this is my point!" I said throwing my hands up. 

"This is Lola and yea I cut it while I was having a mental break down." Diego laughed.

"you know what? Gus is right! I barely see any of you. like you. who are you?" cammi said standing up pointing at bexey.

"I'm bexey. I moved in yesterday." he said smiling.

"see! I didn't even know we had a new roommate!" Cammi said getting frustrated.

"yea. Yall stating facts. we shouldn't stay in our rooms all day." Tracy smiled.

"I'm tired as fuck. can we start this shit tomorrow?" Diego said leaning on Lola.

"Yea, me too." Reddish Blu agreed.

"Rest up bitches. We doing something in this house tomorrow. I'm ready to get my shit together." I said grabbing Reddish Blu carrying her to our bed. I stroked her hair and sung her songs till she fell asleep. and even though I knew it would hurt me I walked down to bexey's room and knocked on the long white door with no texture. I waited till I heard his Blink-182 song pause and he came to the door in a. sweatshirt and black sweatpants.

"oh, hi Gus." he gulped.

"hey, bex." I sighed wrapping him in a hug. "can I come in?"

"of course." He said opening up his door up taking a step back. I entered and took a seat on his bed sighing.

"bex you promise you'll be honest with the next few questions I ask you?" I said looking back at him as he laid on the bed now facing me.

"promise." he said putting his pinky up towards me signaling his trust by the crossing of our smallest fingers I laughed but ended up crossing mine with his bonding our trust for these few moments.

"bex, did you and Reddi do anything?" I asked with a serious face tryna not look to upset.

"Gus, I swear we didn't do anything. I saw here in the kitchen last night and we were talking about what happened with S-shay and she felt really bad because I hadn't slept in a few days and she came up here and let me cry to her for a while and she rubbed my head so I would fall asleep I don't even think she intended to fall asleep. Gus, I'm really sorry. I didn't know it would upset like this." I listen to every word he said and realized I was the one who ever reacted. I'm such a dick!

"no bex, im sorry. I overreacted really bad." I said laying next to him as he turned the other way wrapping my arms around him snuggling myself next to him. 

"goodnight peep. love you."

ending chapter

I walked in to hear 'hate my life' playing over the sound system that we installed for parties and other shit. I was honestly confused for a second until I looked in the living room Reddish blu was cuddled up to a few of my favorite hoodies a picture of me and a necklace I bought her was dangling from her hand as she squeezed it tightly her makeup was smudged as she sobbed into the sweatshirts.

"baby?" I said quietly as I cried at the sight of her being so heartbroken. she looked up slowly her eyes red, nose stuffy, her lips hung open.

"G-Gustav?" she said standing up slowly walked towards me.

"it's me, baby I'm sorry I can't live without you and there really isn't any other way to describe it. I love you." I said slowly trying to walk towards her but when I tried to touch her she backed away.

"baby whats wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"this cant be this cant be real. y-you're dead." she said examining me. she pulled up her phone and held it to me it showed a picture of me lying on the ground below the cliff I had jumped off of earlier with the headline.


im fucking dead.

author pov

reddish blu shut her eyes tightly wishing the figure of gus would go away so she could try and forget him. but how could she forget her soul mate? but as her eyes were closed gus started to fade away.

"I love you." Gus said as he teared-up fading away knowing this would be the last time he would see her for a long time.

as reddish blu opened her eyes Gustav was gone.. she didn't know what to do but she did know one thing... she wanted to be with Gustav forever and always but she didn't want to lose her friends here. she ran up the steps unlocking the safe that Gustav thought she didn't know the password to as she grabbed his all to similar revolver. as she walked out of the room and went to each door sending bullets through each and everyone in the house until turning it to herself.

"because u said you loved me. u said."

u said.

okay, my friend Kaya told me I should end it but I have so much fun writing so if you want to stop reading now then that's the end but if you want to keep reading keep reading bc I love writing for yall. shit, this book may never really end lol. sorry if this confused u. lmfao ily.

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now