reds (not) dead

605 19 1

Gus pov

if she kept losing blood she would die and she already lost a lot. I looked over to Diego who was frantically panicking on the phone with a 911 operator but looked confused when I got up and walked away from Reddish Blu's figure.

it took me a minute but I came back with towels I slowly and carefully wrapped the towels around her tightening them to put pressure on them. diego was still arguing with the operator about getting an ambulance here.

"Gimme the phone."I emotionlessly said. he confusedly looked at me I'm not 100% sure why but I'm positive it hand to do with the fact I wasn't crying and I was somehow keeping calm.

"listen!" I shouted into the phone at the yelling women. " I don't know if my wife just died in my arms or not paramedics better be here within 20 minutes or you'll be needing paramedics your damn self."

"yes sir, the paramedics will be there soon" then she quickly hung up.


once the paramedics got there they rushed her to the hospital because she lost over half of her bodies blood levels.  they told me I could follow them and that's what I did. 

"Diego, are you going to come down later?" I said getting my car keys.

"y-yea probably." he was a little shaken up but I figured he would be fine.


once I pulled up to the hospital I followed the men that had Reddish Blu on a stretcher back to a room where they hooked her to a million machines. before they left they told me that the doctor would be in about a half an hour to examine her.

so I waited holding her hand and telling her stories as if she could hear me. I told her all my feelings for her, they were the strongest I've ever had. I could lose her and that's when it hit me. this is all Layla's fault. I could lose my soul mate. I had the perfect way to get back at her! but it would have to wait after the doctor came.

when the doctor came in I was still telling her how much she meant to me.

"who are you to umm Reddish blu" he looked down at his clipboard.

"I'm her husband." I never imaged me ever saying that about anyone but here I am i stop debating my commitment and finally decided this is what I wanted... forever.

"Okay, and your name is?" he said writing things down.

"Gustav Åhr, do you need me to spell it?" I asked.

"No thank you, but can you tell me Reddish Blu's full name?" he stated.

"Reddish blu Rose Åhr." I said.

"her real name..." he looked at me like I was stupid.

"that is her real fucking name!" I yelled at him. who is he to question her name?

"calm down Mr.Åhr or I will have you removed." he said.

"ReMoVeD my ass I'm not going shit." I said sarcastically. he just sighed and started unraveling the towels wrapped around her. they were light red on the inside. He had a nurse bring him some clean warm towels so he could wipe all the blood that stained her skin away. he read the word she carved into herself carefully as he wiped her arms. 

"Gustav's" he whispered. "this is your name!" he started to speak up. "did you make her do this!"

"No! she did it because people are sending us death threats." I put my head in my hand and realized this is my fault I fell into Layla's trap once again and now reddish blu was going to die for it.

"Mr.Åhr what are you talking about?" he questioned

"you have kids?" I asked.

"I have 5, 3 girls, 2 boys but I don't see how it relates to your death threats" he seemed confused.

"how old are they?" I picked my head up to look at him now.

"well, my girls are 14, 16, and 18 and my boys are 17, 21, and 11"

"perfect, you ever heard of LiL peep?" I asked him.

"that goth boy who raps about drugs and how horrible his life is... yes sadly, I have all my kid love him. it's sad." he ranted.

"well, that's me." I laughed.

he just looked me in shock for a while. "oh my... Mr.Åhr I-im s-sor-sorry... I-I didn't k-know" he shuddered.

 "it's okay." I said when Reddish Blu's monitor started beeping.

"oh no..." the doctor said tapping around on the monitor.

"what? WHAT!?" i yelled.

"Mr.Åhr, your wife is going into a blood lowment state." he said tapping another button which made the machine im assuming was pumping blood more blood in her body go faster. but what the fuck is a 'blood lowment state'

( i made the symptom up)

"what?! what is that"I was panic-stricken.

"your wife is going to die if her heart doesn't produce blood at a 79% rate and its physically impossible." 

hey, babies ily so much im really sorry about this shitty time. pls, don't give up on this book!! I promise it will get better!!

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