paint my nails

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Gus pov

I walked in the house with the girls food. I didn't do it bc I was getting my dick sucked I did it bc I'm a good person. I made my way to the kitchen as the girls practically attacked me like a pack of mad tigers. I was honestly scared for my life. But soon after they were all sitting around the island eating their food when Jahseh raced in with Chinese food. The room went silent the girls looked at each other and burst out laughing but even though they just ate the most McDonald's humanly possible they still ate their Chinese food and the KFC and tofu that Jazz and Diego brought. Where dose this food go? Not to their stomachs that's for sure.

"Baby?" Reddish Blu spun around on her chair.

"I'm a crybaby." I fake cried.

"Can I take the car to get my nails done?" She made puppy eyes.

"ooouuu can I come baby girl!! Please!!" I begged I don't know why but I've always want to get my nails done.

"Of course!" She giggled.

"I'll drive!!" I was so excited to get my nails done with my baby girl! I grabbed my keys slipped my shoes on and was out in the car in seconds. Reddish blu of course had to change and take 6 hours. But when she came out she had on a velvet crop top and black velvet shorts.

 But when she came out she had on a velvet crop top and black velvet shorts

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( sorry if u don't like those^ or when people include them idk I like it lol )

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( sorry if u don't like those^ or when people include them idk I like it lol )

She looked like a whole damn meal.

"Alright baby! Let's go get our nails done!" She said stepping in the car.

"Yea but... my hands are going to hurt" I looked down at my hands

"Gus getting your nails done don't hurt." She rolled her eyes.

"That's not why!" I yelled "it's because if anyone looks at you I'm gonna have to beat their ass." I made a mad face. She blushed and started driving to the nail salon. But then everything was a blur.

Hey babies
what do you think happened???
I love you!!!💔

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now