body bags

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gustav pov

2 weeks later...

I've been sitting at this hospital for two weeks staring at her as she sat there... lifeless. ive forgotten what our house looked like now hours away from being dead. I had no tears left for her, every second I valued looking at her. ive told her countless stories, the closest thing to a reply ive ever gotten is a twitch of her eye, lip and middle finger. I was only allowed to be here because she might die. otherwise, i would be in prison for domestic violence, endangerment of the public, and disturbing the public. Layla pressed charges and trusss me she was mad I was out.

"gus?" Diego walked into the room his eyes bloodshot,  just like mine.

"yea" I answered.

"I'm sorry." he said but it wasn't enough to fix my shattered heart.

"it's not your fault, its mine." I choked.

"Gus, i-i" 

"Diego!" I stopped him I knew what he was going to say. 'gus it's not your fault' and some irrelevant pointless reason why it wasn't my fault.

the room went silent and it stayed like that as we cried over Reddish Blu's body.

"gus..." the doctor walked in.

"Please, call me peep" I've gotten really close with Dr.hell, I really liked his name. he sat and talked with me for numerous hours about anything I wanted. he even admitted that im one of the "sweetest kids" he's ever met, I even caught him humming my song, veins. he told me I'm very different then what he expected.

"peep, we have a way that we might be able to save your wife... but its." 

"I don't want to question it at all, whatever you can do, do it. save her, save me, save us." I cut him off.

"gus... sorry, peep it is very costly and if it doesn't work shes not going to make it." He sighed

"what is it, when are you going to do it." I replied.

"its a blood replacement IV, we can do it now. she has a very common blood type, her heart will either take and use the blood or reject it... and shut down her organs." he let a tear fall down his cheek.

"Okay, do it." I was willing to risk anything for her to at least have a chance.

minutes later he brought in an IV pole with red blood bags that had FGBC666 written on them. I watched as he stuck the straw into her skin, she didn't even bleed or flinch.

"Okay, don't get scared if she wakes up suddenly... see the thing about this is that is if it works she will be fine and can walk out of here like nothing happened." he smiled. "I hope that's what happens" he walked out with fear in his eyes.

I was fearful and could see Diego was too. he's been here with me a lot but jahseh was here the most and even spent nights with me. He pushed back the release date of his new album "blood is happiness" for us. he really has been distant for a while but it definitely brought us closer.

"Jahseh said he was coming by with good news." Diego said.

"I highly doubt that anything seems good until she's okay" I didn't take my eyes off the IV that was dripping and flowing into Reddish Blu.

"yea... I feel you." he said looking down at his feet.

after a mine at or two Jahseh was in the doorway he was smiling, this must be good.

"Gus! you're a free man! we exposed Layla they took her into custody and was forced to drop all charges and shes facing most of your charges and more! she facing 3 years!" he exclaimed.

before I could respond a consent, ear ringing, heartbreaking beep filled the room.

she was gone, Reddish Blu finally flatlined.

Heyyyy babiessssss!!!

I told you it would get better...

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now