diego pt. 2

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Diego pov

I really like her. I like her a lot, but I don't want to come off as weird and scare her away. she only left about 2 hours and 12 minutes ago. I'm obsessed with her already. I need to stop then my breathing inclined and I was sweaty, soon I was having my all too famous anxiety attacks. I want her. I crave her. I need her, and it wasn't just about the sex like it was with Taylor. she is different her voice is like a sex to my ears, her baby skin, her soft pink lips that connected like puzzle pieces with mine, her silky smooth hair that smelled of lavender, they way she breathed in her sleep, how she remained so beautiful while being dicked-down. I cant do this. I watch my tears fall onto my phone screen making the screen glitch and have small dots of red and yellow come out of hiding when a tear touched the screen. I quickly typed her number into my phone listening to the loud dial tone in my ear.

PHONE CALL ( lola and diego )

L: hello? diego?


L: oh my god! Diego? are you okay?

D: I need you? please come over.

L: I'll be there in 10. 

D: Lola?

L: yes Diego?

D: I want you.

L: Okay Diego, I'll be there ASAP.

she hung up the phone. I slowly walked myself down to Gus's room sluggishly with my hood up and hands in my pockets. I knock on the door as hard as I could like I was the fucking cops. I heard muffled footsteps as they got closer to the door. The big wooden door opened to Reddish Blu her hair messy, eyes bloodshot, and a small amount blood on her hand. Her and Gus were probably doing some kinky, freaky, bloody sexual thing, they liked that kind of stuff.

"I need Gus," I said harshly. she gave me a weird look and turned into her room. I heard inaudible whispers from behind the door as Gus stood tall over me wearing a clear shirt that said  NY on it, black sweatpants, and bright pink sunglasses. It was 2 AM, but this was normal to me.

"can I borrow your hair trimmers?"

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now