home sweet home, hoe :)

616 18 14

reddish blu pov

As I stepped inside the house I almost didn't remember where I was it was kinda overwhelming. As I let a tear release itself from my eye I felt happy to be home.

"Are you okay?!" Gus said sorta confused.

"Yes, I'm just very happy to be here" I smiled.

"BLUUUUU!" I turned around to see Cammi bolting towards me. She wrapped me in a tight painful hug.

"OW, Cammi please!" I said rubbing my arms. Since I was asleep and basically dead, my cuts wouldn't heal.

"im sorry blu, i-i didnt mean to..." she said with a sad look platered on her face.

"its okay Cammi! Gus did it too." i giggled.

I looked back at Gus who scratched the back of his neck while nervously laughing.

"im starving!" I said walking down the hallway leaving the awkward silence behind.

"I can make you something!" Gus said running after me.

"Gus, Im sorry but your a horrible cook." I said giving him a small kiss in the cheek.

"hey! im not that bad!" he said defending himself.

"gus, you burnt water..." I said laughing as he wrapped his long colorful arms around me.

"fine, im a bad cook, but Nicki isn't she made really good edibles that one time!" he exclaimed.

"I just want a Nutella sandwich, I can do it myself" I said resting my chin on his chest.

"okayyyyy." he said following me into the kitchen.

I made my sandwich and sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

gus leaned on the other side of the island staring at me with his hand curled over his mouth. I could tell he wanted a bite but I couldn't tell if he wanted the sandwich or me. I ripped of part of the sandwich and slid the plate over towards gus when Diego came bolting thru the doorway pushing gus and grabbing the sandwich.

"DIEGO! what the hell." gus said getting up off the ground.

"I was hungry." Diego said shoving the whole half into his mouth.

"asshole." gus said under his breath.

Taylor walked into the kitchen looking at Diego with a mouthful of Nutella. 

she just shook her head and looked at me.

"welcome home hoe." she said opening the drawer getting a pack of pop tarts out. she never really forgave me about what happened between me and Diego and im not even sure if gus really did either. he still cries about it sometimes I never really got 100% of his trust back but after the hell we have been thought I think we will be okay.

"nice to see you too tay."

"gus i want to lay down and watch a movie." I said stoping the argument between him and Diego.

"anything for you baby girl." he said swooping me up of the bar stool bridal style. I played my head on his chest peacefully listening to his heartbeat. once we got to our room he laid me down on the bed.

ik this ends super awkwardly but I wrote this yesterday and my throat is swollen really bad and I have to get these numbing things :(

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