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Reddish blu pov

Gus made me clean up the mess Diego made but it's whatever. Gus was laying on the bed writing something in his lyric book that he didn't let anyone touch. Not even me.

"Can I see" I said slamming down on the bed, but he didn't look up.

"Uhh not today baby, you know I don't like people touching this." He said jotting down the lyrics popping in his mind. I always wonder what went through his extra ass mind.

"okay. What do you wanna do tonight?" I whispered into his shoulder playing with the short pink and black strands of hair that fell to the sides.

"I wanna get fucked up at the club." He kept his eyes on the book and the pen tattooing the page.
( I'm sorry but I read that tattooing thing in class the other day and FUCKING LOVED the way it sounded. lmfao sorry for interrupting bye. )

"okay, well do you want anyone to come with us?" I sat up.

"Jahseh." He said.

"Nobody else??" I questioned.

"I mean if they want." He shrugged.

"oh okay. Well I'll ask Jahseh." I said getting up. I made my way to Jahseh and Nicki's room and knocked on the door. Pitter patter footsteps could be heard from behind the door.
Until jahseh opened the door in nothing but boxers.

"Oh! I can come back?" I said pointing behind me.

"No! It's okay! I'm just getting dressed." He exclaimed.

"Oh well Gus wanted you to come to the club with us. But o don't think he wants anyone else to come. He's being strange but I'm sure Nicki can come too." I explained.

"Lemme ask Nicki." He turned his head in the window for a second putting his hand out with one finger up signaling me to wait. "I guess we are going to the club." He said.

"Okay! I'll tell Gus!" I said running down the hallway. I open the door to see gus still writing in his book now in a different position.

"He said he would come." I said walking in.

"Okay." He finally put down the book and started getting ready.

Hey babies

My cousin had a baby! so this is probably all im gonna write today
I love y'all with my whole heart byeeee

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