blood egg

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reddish blu pov

"wake up!" I yelled jumping on Gus.  "happy easter!" 

"I don't celebrate that shit." Gus flipped me off of him sending me onto the floor. I popped my head up wondering why he never told me this before.

"why?" I asked poking his face slowly causing him to open his eyes.

"because it's about god and I don't celebrate that shit." I get where he is coming from. he doesn't like anything to do with god except Christmas.

"why?" I asked still sting on my legs on the floor. this time he sat up so he was sitting on the edge of the bed so I was right in line with his 'junk' he lifted my head holding his fingers under my chin.

"because Satan has my soul." he looked me in the eye before standing up heading to the bathroom leaving me there shook as fuck. after a few moments, I got up and sat on he bed waiting for Gus to come out. 

"Gus!" I yelled through the door waiting for him to reply.

"yea!?" he said a few seconds later.

"can we color eggs?" I asked hoping for a yes.

"yea." he said opening the door completely nude. what was he up to? I thought covering my eyes.

"my innocent eyes!" I cried.

"Innocent my ass." Gus commented snarkily making me uncover my eyes before rolling them. He is such a smart ass but a cute one so its okay.

"asshole." I replied getting out of bed noticing Gus was searching for something.

"Hey, why don't you go get dyes and shit so we can color the eggs later?" He looked at me before returning his focus to searching for whatever he was looking for in our messy ass room.

"what are you looking for?" I asked curiously.

"a towel. I need one to take a shower." he was getting really frustrated when there was literally towels in the closet. "check the closet?" he looked up with an annoyed face as he walked into our closet. he came out with his blue towel over his shoulder going into the bathroom.

"UHH GUS?!" I yelled as loud as I could because he already had the water running.

"yea?" he opened the door. "why are you yelling so god damn fucking loud."

"sorry, I need the keys to the Benz." I smiled. he sighed before tossing them out to me from the bathroom.

"We got to get you a fucking car." he sighed again. did he just say what I think he said? me? a car?  this world needs more gus. "We are getting you a car tomorrow." did he not trust me with his car or some shit?

"you don't trust me?" I asked quietly while putting on my huaraches. then again he sighed.

"Yes, I trust you. I just don't want people driving my shit everywhere." HOL UP? he for real about to start an argument. 

"It's not PEOPLE its ME Gustav your fucking WIFE." I snapped back aggressively.

"we ain't married."  he laughed shutting the door again. WHAT THE FUCK DID HE JUST FUCKING SAY?! OOOUUU I THINK THE FUCK NOT.

"Gustav. I know you didn't just say that when I have the keys to your fucking Benz." I wiggled the keys in the air as he opened the door back up.

"IM JOKING RED! holy fuck." that's what I thought. I smiled before walking out sassily.

bipolar relationship.

"hey, Reddi." I looked to my left to see bexey walking down the hall. "where ya goin'"

"to get eggs and dye."

"are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"yea, why?" I asked confused.

"you just said you wanted to die." sometimes he was so... simple.

"egg dye bex. to dye eggs." he nervously laughed. 

"can I come? Im bored"


"I think we should get these ones." I said grabbing dye off a shelf.

"those look good and I got the eggs" bexey said putting them in the buggy.

"thanks, bex."

"no problem sweetheart." he smiled walking to the checkout. what kind of weird ass name did he give me? maybe it slipped ill let it slide but if he tries some shit ill die. walking out he said nothing. the car nothing. maybe he realized he did something weird and felt guilty. as we got home Lola and Diego were in the kitchen eating cereal as Tracy and Jahseh played with some shit on their phones.

"where is gus?" I asked looking in the living room.

"upstairs." Cammi said entering the kitchen. I smiled walking before walking up the stairs to my room.

"gus?" I opened the door slowly Gus was sitting on our bed crying writing in his lyric book silently. I felt my heart drop.

"baby? whats wrong love?" I asked climbing on the bed slowly.

"Tell me you love me." he wisepered.

"i love you."

this will make sense next chapter. ilysm babies!

school isnt for me ( my other book ) will be updated tomorrow too.

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