pittsburgh pa.

431 13 10

gus pov
tracy flew back to LA but cammi stayed. i honestly don't think they are together anymore. they never really were. i've never seen them have affection for each other. i mean i've heard them fuck but... maybe they are just 'fuck buddies'. maybe tracy just need some time to think.

"the show starts in a few hours. what do you wanna do till then?" reddi asked as we entered 'squirrel hill tunnel'.

"we aren't even in the city yet?" i didn't even know we were going to enter the city. it just appeared when we came out of the tunnel. it was completely hidden.

 it was completely hidden

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the city is gorgeous. one of the buildings lit up in changing colors. another had illuminated lights reading 'UPMC'. the building were not like LA's, Chicago's, New York's or any other city i've ever been too. the one i liked the best was the one that looked like a castle. it had a four points at the top and smaller little points in between the four points.

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(its hard to explain ppg place

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(its hard to explain ppg place...)
i'm going to have a castle some day. but won't we all? we got to the venue it was called 'smiling moose'. it's kinda small but i can deal with it after all it is my first tour.

"you're so fucking cute." reddi said making my daze fade away. "you are so into the city." she smiled at me climbing on top of me. she then lifted my head up kissing me softly. when she pulled away she had the brightest smile on her cute lil face.

"i'm hungry." i think i heard my stomach rumble when i wined for food.

"well, come on let's go get something. bex and cammi are still sleeping so we should be fine to go and come back before sound check." i nodded in response. she took my hand leading me off the bus.


"ready for sound check?" dylan asked me handing a mic to me. "yea." i said taking the mic. i pondered what song i should sing for a moment.

"can you play girls?" i asked dylan.

"yea." dylan presser a few buttons then i heard the beat start.

( ignore horsehead i don't have anything against him but he's just not in the story. but that video is actually from pittsburgh.)

Girl make me drink
Girl make me think
Girls like it on my dick
Now girl, girl, uh

Girls make me drink
Girls make me think
Girls like it on my dick
Now girls
They try to get me mad
I try to make them sad
So they fall in love with me, yeah girls
I could read her like a book
Couple minutes that it took just to get her in my room
God damn she said I'm the man
Girl I'm still a kid getting money like your dad
Aw girl

Girls make me drink
Girls make me think
Girls like it on my dick
Now girls
They try to get me mad
I try to make them sad
So they fall in love with me, yeah girls
I could read her like a book
Couple minutes that it took just to get her in my room
God damn she said I'm the man
Girl I'm still a kid getting money like your dad
Aw girl
Aw Girl

i then heard the song cut out. leaving me unable to finish it. i looked at dylan with a puzzled face confused why he would stop the song.

"you need to get ready. there's 45 minuets before the show." i rushes back to the bus to get something on and get back for my show.


"hey pittsburgh." i said stepping on stage. the audience screamed they were mostly girls.

"i'm kinda in my feelings. should this be a sad show in a beautiful city?" i heard many different answer that all basically meant 'yes'.

i glanced over at dylan as 'crybaby' started playing. i smiled at him before looking back out at all my friends.

she said imma crybaby,
girl you drive me crazy,
AMG mercedes,
speeding down the highway,
lookin' at the street lights,
geeking on a friday,
i can never sleep right.

reddish blu and bexey joined me on stage. smiling at me. i started to cry for reasons i can not explain. my emotions ran through my head and body so fast i couldn't stop them.

i miss tracy. i want him here with me.

i was on my last song when my phone started to ring. i signaled dylan to stop the music before pulling the phone out of my pocket.

tracy💕🖕🏽 would like to facetime.
decline | accept

i immediately answered. not thinking for another second.

"hey brother." i said with love in my voice. "say hi to pittsburgh." i turned the camera towards the crowd.

"everyone say 'hi' to tracy, my brother." the crowd screamed love his way. i turned the camera back towards me.

"gus, i can't do this anymore." tracy echoed into the phone as switchblade click was heard.

hey babies !!! missed y'all sooo muchhh!!!

i hope y'all liked this chapter. i wanted to right a lot more but it sounded stupid and i deleted it. pittsburgh is my hometown so i figured i would give it some love.

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