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reddish blu pov

tour went by so fast. gus was currently making up the two shows he missed when tracy made such a big ass deal out of something so small. i don't know why. he never told us but jahseh, diego, and tracy shroud be back today or tomorrow. nicki, cammi, lola and i all flew back two days ago. i have to say my flight was gruesome. it seemed to take forever even though i was fly from moscow russia to La a nineteen hour flight. so what could i expect.

anyways, right now i am on the roof tanning with my gorls. well, almost tanning. i think i'm burning. i could feel the presence of someone else. i got up turning around to see jahseh and tracy. they looked like angels as i ran towards them jumping onto them.

"oh my god!" i screamed. "i missed you!" i captured them in another tight embrace. that's when i noticed my titty had popped out of my string bikini. that's why they both were staring at me so weirdly.

"you assholes couldn't tell me?" i said sassily. they both stood there looking embarrassed but happy. nicki,cammi and lola has all lined up behind me waiting to hug them. cammi gave tracy a light kiss on the lips as he slapped her ass. she smirked as she walked over to hug jahseh. for them not seeing each other for almost two months that was the weakest reunion ever.

lola and i stepped back. letting the two girls talk to there mans.

"wanna go get something to eat while they reunite?" i giggled looking at lola. i never really got to know much about her because she moved in a month before everyone went on tour. she nodded her head yes .

"okay let's go get something." i raced down the stairs to the garage. "what car do want to take." i said as we looked at the row of keys that lined the wall. a total of eight keys lined the up. she shrugged as i picked up gus's benz keys.

"come on, gus actually keeps his tank full unlike any of us." i said jumping in the car. i backed out and sped down the road.

"where do you want to eat?" i looked at all the places along melrose. "ooouuu i want sushi." she said as a japanese sushi bar was seen in the distance."

"okay." i agreed.


as i pulled into the garage i heard a fit of laughs from the inside. i stepped into the kitchen to see liza and jenny.

"hey! what a pleasant surprise!" i exclaimed bring them into a tight bare hug. "hey hun, haven't seen you in forever." jenny said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"i know! it been forever!" i excitedly said putting my left over sushi in the fridge. "so we stopped by to tell you that jenny and i love our apartment. we thought gus would be back. i was going to invite you over and make you guys dinner." i looked at liza with a questionable face.

"gus canceled two shows and rescheduled them. i thought he would have told you. maybe we could do it tomorrow he's coming back early tomorrow." i suggested as jahseh walked into the kitchen. "gus is throwing a party tomorrow." he said putting a slice of pizza in the microwave.

"when did he say that?" i asked him as he stuck his head into the fridge again. "on his instagram story. him and bex posted it."

"well, gus is on some sus shit. i will have to get back to you on when we can meet up again." i could tell liza was also suspicious about gus' unexplainable actions. "i'm going to go home and talk to gus." she picked up her keys giving me a hug. i hugged jenny and they left. i felt distant and emotional. i don't know why gus is being so distant. he hasn't spoke to me since i left.

my mind was caught up by the microwave beeping. diego opened the microwave after coming out of no where. jahseh turned around to see his pizza in diego's mouth.

"DIEGOOOO!" he screamed as diego ran up to his room. as jahseh chased after him. after a minute or two jahseh came back slamming the fridge shut. "i'm not even hungry anymore." everyone is so on edge now.

everyone is so sus.

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