big city blus

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Gus pov

"baby girl?" I said leaning my head up off of hers which was lying on my shoulder. It was currently 5am, we were sitting on my roof coming down from being straight blazed. I laid a blanket and pillow below us and covered up with my old power rangers blanket from when I was 8.

"yes?" She asked.

"Do you want to read the song i just wrote. It's about you." She looked shocked. I've never let anyone touch this and she knows that. She took her soft hands over mine grabbing the book out of them. she read over the lyrics it brought tears to her eyes.

"you could be my girl if I could be your world." She read over the lyrics whipping her tears away. "I love you ecstasy. You know what? I'm going to call you that from now on ecstasy. Since you make me... so... perfect, happy and proud." proud was something I wasn't so used to hearing out of people. I looked out upon the small little shit town's horizon.

"I love you too butterfly." I kissed the top of her head lightly. She perked her head up to me furrowing her eyebrows.


"Yes, your my butterfly, kitten, love, everything, world, baby, girl, wife, baby, babe, uh... there's more im just to high to know them." I was more sober than high. I just couldn't think of anymore. She looked at me like I was the world. God I fucking love this girl. Yet, I've only knew her for about a year. How could this be? I love her so god damn much. She means everything. i fucking married her. I just don't know how I know this feeling. this amazing feeling.

"Can I ask you something?" She said looking at the page. "Anything" I replied.

"Why does it say v2 here." She pointed at the verse I wrote meant for someone else to sing.

"I want someone else to sing that part. Maybe you could." I smiled. She looked so happy when I said that. I loved the feeling and energy she gave when she was joyful.

"I love you so much gus." She climbed overtop of me. straddling me.

"I love you to kitten." I was trying out my new nicknames. She leaned her forehead against mine kissing my nose gently. She quickly pulled me to the side connecting our lips together. She pulled her lips away suctioning her mouth onto my neck until it turned purple and red then pulling away. She looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes. She put her hands onto my chest. Slowly pulling them down to my hard member. Just to quickly pull away.

"Night Gus." She turned over putting her ass up against my dick. SHE'S A FUCKING TEASE!

"you fucking tease!" but it was almost 6am and we haven't slept for approximately 26 hours. but some how she always made me feel awake and alert. I kissed the back of her neck lightly. "Goodnight my love."


I felt the coldness of tiny droplets of water fall on my face slowly. I fluttered my eyes open. Reddish blu was still asleep. the rain fell on her unmarked skin. I tapped her shoulder softly. awaking her.

"Come on its raining." I stood up and tried opening the window and with my luck... it was locked somehow. "shit!" I yelled.

"What?" Reddish blu scratched her head. Rubbing her eyes with the other hand.

"It's fucking locked." She giggled at my anger.

"Calm down! Call Ian and have him come unlock it from the inside." She gave her phone to me. I dialed his number just for it to go straight to voicemail. "Didn't answer." As soon as I finished my sentence there was a sharp sound of thunder and the rain turned into bullets. Reddish blu squealed. Rushing to put herself under the blankets. I quickly followed her under. I lifted up the blanket we slept on to stay more dry. once we had both got under we were breathing heavily. she started dying of laughter. I smiled brightly just to join her in laughter. Our laughing fit lasted a few good minutes. Like last night she climbed onto me. Kissing down my neck. She threw my shirt off and pretty soon we were ripping different articles of clothes off of each other until we were butt ass naked. I flipped her over so that I was on top. I left a train of slight love bites and hickeys till I got down to her navel. kissed the sides of her thighs lightly before going straight face deep into her. Her legs shook as her hands found her way to my hair. I didn't stop until she came. She let out a loud moan.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE." I heard a bellowing voice from below.

im like probably in trouble babies! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!

here 🌎 it's the world. and it's all for you ;)!

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now