pussy blood dripping down your skinnys

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( a/n VERY IMPORTANT this was one of the many chapters i wrote and deleted well... i didnt delete it so enjoy a bonus chapter that has nothing to do with the book. :)  i wrote this march 28 )

reddish blu pov

"gus?" I called his name as I looked down at the car seat I was sitting in had a blood-red stain on it. FUCKING SHIT why did these things always happen to ME! i was thinking about jumping out of the car because i didn't want him to be mad at me but fuck it and if he gets mad at me then fuck him. shit happens.

"yes, kitten" he responded. what did he just call me? did he just call me kitten? that's a new one.

"uh, umm i got my period." i tried covering the spot with my hands but he noticed. SHIT!

"its okay, ill put a seat cover over that seat don't be embarrassed," he said turning into our local CVS.

"I'm really sorry gus, ill clean it up." i looked down as if this was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me. because it honestly was.

"it's not that bad, let's go get you some uhh, tampons." he said getting out of the car. is he fucking crazy? im covered blood! he turned around and raised his eyebrow in a 'you coming?' manner. i waved my hand at him to come back to the car. he rolled his eyes and made his way to my door.

"whats wrong?" he looked concerned now.

"gus, i have blood dripping down my leg. I'm not getting out."

"i don't know what you like! come with me! its human nature nobody cares." he wined.

"fine." i stepped out of the car with my soggy jeans. I'm going to strut my ass in there like nothing is wrong. gus entwined our fingers as we walked in the store. our strange appearance gained us a few stares but we were used to them, with his tattoos and our colorful hair people were bound to stare.but i have to say that the bloody jeans definitely was the cherry on top.  i dragged gus back to the feminine product area. i picked out a few boxes of tampons and pads and told gus to go pay for them while i searched for some new pants and underwear. i found a pair black leggings and pink floral underwear when i heard a voice that did sound like gus. it was definitely... Taylor. why does this bitch keep popping up?

(a/n taylor isnt coming back this was witten aGES ago )

question (please answer)

1.) whats your fav lyric from Diego?

2.) whats your fav song from Diego?

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