honeymoon who?

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Gus pov

I quickly pulled out and shot my load onto reddish blu's stomach as she flip over from the 'doggy-style position'. I laid down beside her letting out heavy breaths she did as well. I was hungry now.

"After sex snacks?" I said to Reddish Blu looking over at her laying to my side she looked up at the ceiling then to me as she nodded her head 'yes'. I rolled out of bed throwing her a pair of black lace panties and a  xanarchy sweatshit. I have to admit Diego's clothing brand is comfortable. Reddish blu got up out of bed to walk over to me. She wrapped her small arms around my neck looking up to me.

"I'm glad our break is over. I could take being without you. Your scent, touch, kiss, dick." She giggled at me, teasing me then walking away to the kitchen.

"Fucking tease!" I exclaimed looking at her shake her ass side to side as she walked out of our room. I snapped out of love-induced trance and started for the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen Reddish Blu had a slice of pizza in her mouth as she leaned over the counter talking to Lola.

"I don't know we never talked about it." Reddish Blu said looking over at me.

"Talked about what?" I asked. What could she possibly be talking about?

"A honeymoon." She said I turned towards her looking at her she smiled a big bright smile like she wanted a honeymoon.

"oh, well let's go on one." I walked over to her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Where are you guys going? Hawaii, Bora Bora, Caribbean, Virgin Islands?" Lola asked naming every basic place there is.

"Ew no. That's basic. We are going to Long Beach." I said looking at reddish blu who shot me a strange look that was hard to read. "What?!"

"Long Beach?" She asked disgustedly. This bitch didn't have a problem with my home town did she?

"My hometown bitch. I wanna show you my old world." I smiled making random dramatic hand gestures gaining me some laughs and giggles from the girls.

"What's your world like now?" Reddish blu asked me giving me a angelic smile. She was truly a witch and had me under her spell. oh how I'm obsessed.

"well, it's all you baby girl." I squeezed her tightly as Tracy made his way into the kitchen. Stumbling like a the drunk man he was.
( I usually try to call them by their real names but many people don't know Tracy's real name is jazz. So if I switch back and forth I'm sorry. Same with Gus and Gustav. Lol okay back to this shit )

"Why y'all always in the kitchen after fucking?" Tracy ask swinging the fridge open.

"Well I don't know why she is because I do all the work but she's always hungry so..." I gained a light punch from red. Tracy laughed a stumbled back upstairs with an Apple in his mouth. He was such a strange creature. He wasn't human.

"Well is that where you are going?" Lola asked taking a sip of her coffee even though it was 2am.

"Yea, I guess." Reddish blu smiled.

"You guess? You should be more excited! We are going to have the time of our lives! We are getting on the next plane to New York!" I yelled spinning around.

"C'mon lets go get Cammi and pack your shit!" Lola yelled dragging Reddish blu up the steps to get Cammi. I went out to the living room to get my laptop. I found my mom sitting on the couch watching some soap opera. I think it's called 'days of our lives' or some shit.

"Hey momma." I smiled I haven't got to spend as much time as I would want with her in the time that she's been here.

"Hey peepers." She smiled at me as I sat down to order plane tickets. "What are you doing?"

"Well I only do young bitches and cocaine." I laughed. She didn't think this was funny in fact she gave me a really dirty look.

"Gustav Elijah Åhr! Don't joke about that! You don't really do coke do you?" She knew that I knew that she knew about my drug habits and I couldn't lie to her about them either.

"Not like I used to. Haven't done it in a while. About 3 months ago was the last time I did. I took it off of reddish blu's stomach when we were fu-" She put her hands up not want to hear the rest of my story. She didn't like what I had to say but appreciated my honesty. She sighed putting her head in her hands.

"What's the matter mommy?" I asked worriedly. I love my mom and never want her to stress about anything. So I worry about her and if she's stressin' or not.

"I just don't want to leave you peepers. I don't want to go back to Long Beach. I want to stay here with you. But I don't want to stay in this house—there isn't anything wrong with it— I just want my own place. Maybe we could have your grandmother out here too. Me and her could live together in a apartment or something." She smiled at me. I knew she wanted to stay for different reasons though. She thinks that if she's nearby I won't do as much drugs and never possibly overdose but nothing is strong enough to pry me away from the grip of pain and drugs. She had good intentions though.

"Well then I'll buy 3 plane tickets for the way back." I clicked to add a third ticket onto my bill. "By the way I'm going home for a week or so. I'm leaving in 3 hours." I shut the MacBook and didn't give her the time to ask all the questions she had. I ran up the steps yelling "love you momma!" I ran right into my room where Reddish blu had two suitcases and a duffle bag ready for us.

"I'm ready" she smiled dragging all our shit towards me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly as she looked up from my chest. She made me smile she's so beautiful.

"Let's make the world our bitch."

The next chapter will be in Long Beach btw

Babies oh how I've missed u!

I've been really sad lately. Mostly about Gustav. ☹️ but on Friday at school I went off on my friend who I used to be really close with made a fool of myself and now regret it. Like fuck. If you want to hear my rants and follow along with my shit then you can follow my spam account on insta it's super great! @sisi.is.a.crybaby

And I want to give a big shoutout to xxxcutiee bc she absolutely amazing and I love her with my whole heart bc she has been here thru this whole book and she honestly deserves a shoutout she dedicated a whole chapter to me in her EXTRA AMAZING VOOK! ily baby girl! You deserve the world!

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