Long beach,new york

486 11 15

Gus pov

I stepped off the bridge from the plane to the airport taking a deep breath in. I smelled all the foods from the many restaurants that lined a food court.

"I'm starving." I said looking down at reddish blu who was looking around aimlessly.

"Let's get McDonald's." She pointed at a McDonald's across the food court. I had a better idea though. I wanted to eat at my old job where I was a kitchen bitch.

"Nah. Ian is here to pick us up. I want to eat at my old favorite restaurant, WildFeast." I dragged her away from the food court and out to the pickup area to find Ian. I quickly spotted the old beatdown 2008 white Nissan that I had many memories in— such as my first blowjob but that's a different story— memories flooded my head making me chuckle to myself. Once Ian saw me, he quickly hopped out of the car wrapping his big arms around me.

"Ian!" I yelled dropping my stuff hugging him back.

"Gus! You look great! How you been holding up! You came here with your girlfriend right?" I never told Ian about me getting married because I was afraid how he would react since I was always so close with Emma and when we stopped talking as much I fucked around with tons of girls. I was such a heartbreaker. I've only ever been so loyal to 3 girls. Emma,Layla, and finally Reddish Blu. They were the ones I actually connected with. When I left here I was spoused to be with Emma. But things didn't work out like we wanted them to. So when I met Reddish blu something about her healed my freshly wounded heart.

"Actually I got married." I scratched the back of my neck stepping out to reveal reddi. "This is my wife, Reddish blu." Reddish blu stepped forward shaking Ian's hand.

"You must be Ian. Gus has told me stories about you." She laughed glancing over at me. Ian smirked at me.

"Were they good ones?" Ian laughed. I shot him a glare and nervously laughed. "Yea definitely." Reddish blu replied.

"Hey Ian can you take us to wild feast? I want to show her how shitty life was before her." I gave Reddish blu a goofy smile as she laughed picking up her bag dragging it into the back of Ian's car. I follow her footsteps before getting in the drivers seat making Ian sit in the back. Reddish blu grabbed onto my hand as we drove off to wild feast.


"I worked as a kitchen bitch here. I quit after I became a mass crab murder." I said to Reddish blu as we walked out of the small restaurant. She laughed so loud I thought some would yell out their window and tell her to 'shut her damn mouth or square the fuck up' since that was what the people were like from around here.

"Come on I wanna show you one of my favorite places to get fucked up as a kid." I dragged her down the street to a nearby park. I stopped at Ian's house to grab a blunt and some henny. After leading her through the park we got to the back where there was a small patch of trees leading up a huge hill with a cliff on the other side. We climbed to the top of the hill that now had a guardrail on the top. probably to stop the suicide problem they had. Ever since Colby soddo committed suicide the summer of 2014 the cliff was a heavy spot for suicide which attracted police to check it every hour.

"Look" I said dragging her to the edge. You could see over the whole town all the way to the beach.

"It's so pretty." She looked across the horizon slowly taking in every inch of it. I lit the blunt and took a seat on the ground. Soon she was on the ground with me. She laid her silky hair on my shoulder as I passed her the blunt. I watch her put her plum lips to the brown tube of relaxation. She inhaled filling her lungs with toxicants before taking the blunt from her lips then slowly releasing the smoke that built up inside her. she didn't take her eyes off the glimmering city that was finally settling down. She passed the blunt back to me I took a big hit then a gulp of the henny. I was high and kinda tipsy. This time I passed her the henny too. We fell into a comfortable sweet silence. Nothing was heard but the sound of the city and the puffs of air that we let out after a hit. Or the swish of the liquor when we tipped the bottle up and down. We continued this pattern till the bottle and blunt was gone. Now it was around 10pm and we were both on the edge of being shitfaced. I laid back and slipped my shoes off.

"What are you doing." It was the first time I've heard her talk in a few hours.

"I'm getting tired baby girl. I'm going to bed right here." even though I'm basically shitfaced i can still think straight. It's like there is a tiny sober me inside of the drunk me telling me what's a good idea and bad idea. She looked back out at the night sky then found her way into my arms.

"I love you." She whispered soft slurs I could smell the alcohol on her breath.

"I love you too ecstasy." I whispered into the cool damp air but she was already half asleep. We laid there till we both fell asleep.


Reddish blu pov

I woke up to a bright light in my face towering over me stood a police officer.

"Shit. Gus wake up." I sat up and could already feel a major hangover in my future. Gus opened his eyes and looked side to side then closed his eyes again.

"Well look who the fuck it is? The popo. Well guess what mr.policeman... I ain't fucking moving! I'm tired. Let a man fucking sleep. I'm 21! Ain't got no school. No need to get up early." He pulled his hood over his head tightened the strings then started to go back to sleep before the cop kicked him harshly. He winced in pain covering his stomach to turn the other way to throw his guts up.

"Don't fucking touch him!" I got onto my knees yelling at the police officer then turning to Gus to see if he was okay.

"Yea. I got a situation here at park cliff. I'm going to need backup. Two drunk teenagers refusing to move." The police office called over a walki talki. Some other officer replied "be there in 5." By this point gus was dry heaving.

"It's okay baby let it all out." I rubbed his head then turned to the police officer.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! He didn't do anything to provoke you! you just kicked him for absolutely no reason!" I yelled as another cop car appeared.

"Listen sweetheart, I don't give a fuck." He teased me as the other two officers that had just pulled up started to grab Gus off my lap.

"Hey! Stop! What are you doing!" They tugged on Gus in every harsh way they could.  He was a pretty scrawny shaped man and they pulled him so hard that he started throwing up again just to throw him down making him hit the hard rock ground knocking him unconscious.


Fuck writers block!

I love you!

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