on the road again.

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Gus pov
I slid the key through the lock unlocking the door to the smell of bacon.

"shh let's surprise them." I whispered to reddish blu. She giggled tip-toeing in leaving her loud suitcase at the door. We carefully walked into the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast at the table. Nobody noticed we were there until I swiftly stole the plate of bacon off the table.

"hey!" Diego yell realizing who took it. "Gus!" He got up tackling me into a hug. Cammi practically climbed over the table to hug reddi.

"Bitch! I've missed you so much!" Cammi screamed. "I missed you too." Reddi said not parting from cami.

"how was your honeymoon?" Asked bexey from the other side of the kitchen.

"Uh..." I blanked from a loss of words.

"We would rather not explain it." Reddi said now standing adjacent from me.

"Yea." I smirked. I noticed two unfamiliar faces sitting at the table. I swear I've seen one of them before. but the other one was probably bexey's new girl. but one was a man. He sat in my seat next to Tracy. he had black and yellow hair a crack tattooed on his forehead and tattoos aligned his arms. One reading smokeasac . I decided to ask him who the hell he was and why he was sitting at our table.

"Who are you?" I asked the interesting looking man. He turned his head to me. Smiling.

"I'm Dylan. I go by smokeasac though." That would explain the tattoo. "Why are you here?" I asked curiously.

"I'm your new producer and manager. Gus your going on tour. It's called 'the peep show' and you're set to leave next week." My head was in knots. Tour? Next week? Reddish blu? Baby? Baddies? I couldn't comprehend what was going on right now.

"Baby!" I got knocked over once again by reddi. "That's so amazing! I'm so fucking proud of you." I wrapped my hands around her tightly. 

I'm going on tour.


I've been talking over tour for about 14 hours with my new friend, Dylan. He's actually really cool and I could see a deep friendship evolving out of this. He, reddi, bexey, and tracy would be attending tour with me as Diego and jahseh went off on their own tours called total xanarchy and xing out life. I would be able to see a few of their shows when we went to nearby cities and they would come to a few of mine. An old friend named nick would be attending my show in New York. Not only would I be going to the US I would be going to Berlin, Moscow, London and Belgium. I even got a tour bus that would somehow travel with us. Im not sure how, but Dylan told me not to worry about it.

"Gus? Hellooo?" Dylan waved his hand in front of my face. "Sorry, I zoned out... again."

"maybe we can go look at you're tour bus tomorrow it's getting late." He said looking over the clock that read 1:52am.

"Id like that." I said rubbing reddish blu's hair who had fallen asleep while listening over our conversation hours ago.

"Okay well I'm going to go up to my room. I'm super tired. Goodnight gus." He said walking out of the living room.

"night dylan."

I flicked on the tv and started going through Netflix. "Do you want to go upstairs to bed or stay down here?" I tapped reddish blu and all she did was put her hand over my mouth. She was very tired and I didn't want to move her.

"Goodnight baby girl." I whispered softly in her ear as we difted off to sleep.

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