Diego? Lol. Who's he?

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Taylor's POV

"Diego?" I turned over to him staring me dead in the eyes.

"Yes baby girl?"

"I love you but... this is your LAST chance" I whispered into his forehead.

He picked me up and spun me around. I cupped his face and smiled.

"baby girl you won't regret it! I promise you! YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY! I fucking love you!" I kissed him on his cheek and dig my head into his chest.
( Diego is only 5'6 so let's pretend he's taller or she's just a dwarf or sum shit. Lol. )

Tana gave me a big tight hug "he's a keeper" she said waving goodbye while shutting the door.

We got in the car a drove home.

~~ at home ~~

I grabbed Diegos hand While walking into the apartment. We decided to have a movie & high night tonight so I got in some sweats and a sweatshirt and went back out to the living room where everyone was arguing over what movie to watch and where they were going to sit. But we ended up watching "titanic" with everyone sitting in their regular spots.

~~after the movie was over~~

Reddish Blu's pov

Us girls were sobbing while the boys laughed at our tears.

"STOP IT! ITS S-AD" I yelled at them.

"Baby! It's just a movie!" Gus said pulling me on his chest still laughing.

"FUCK YOU FUCK ALL YALL!" Nicki yelled at them play punching Jahseh's chest.

I turned the tv off and went and got 4 blunts and a small baggie of coke.

I threw a blunt to each pair and gave gus the bag of coke and his credit card to split lines.
( pairs = Diego and Taylor, Gus and Red, Nicki and Jahseh, Jazz and Cammi )

Gus spilt the lines and took 2 he was high as fuck. But every time gus was high there was a sober gus inside of the high gus and he always said the deepest shit when he was high.

Gus pov

I was 4 lines and 1 blunt deep. I was just thinking. Why the fuck are we still in this tiny apartment. I had just dropped "hellboy" and the others were making enough money for us to afford a nice place together. Fuck it let's do it.

"We are moving." I said as everyone went quiet.

"W-what" Reddish Blu said.

"We are moving. We are all making enough money to afford a nice house." I said scanning the room.

"Well o-okay lets start looking."

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now