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( my religion is gothboiclique )


Gus just proposed to Reddish Blu right in front of my face.

The truth is... I only loved Taylor a little bit. She cute and all but Reddish Blu is something else... she's perfect in every way.

I let out a small yawn.

"Congratulations" I said looking down at the floor.

They didn't even acknowledge me. They just kept making out on the couch breaking apart every so often saying faint I love you's.

So, I did the only thing any other guy would have done. I picked up Taylor and carried her out room laying her down on the bed.

"Baby, that's gonna be us next! I fucking love you." I said kissing her neck making her let out a quiet moan. But I wasn't in the mood for sex or anything of that matter. I wanted to be in the studio or smoking weed or sum.

"Baby, I'm not in the mood right now. I'm gonna go to the studio, wanna come?"

She looked at me like she was mad "whatever, I'm gonna stay here. We go to the studio everyday, it's annoying!"

Fucking Bitch! She's so spoiled! Ugh but she's so fucking beautiful.

"k. bye." I said grabbing my keys and shutting the door before she could say anything.

I got in my car and left.


I can't fucking believe I just did that. I don't wanna be committed right now! I'm barely 21! I pulled away from Reddish Blu's kiss and just looked at her. Maybe I do wanna be with her forever! She's fucking perfect, she's fucking mine!

"Is something wrong?" She said in her sweet innocent voice.

"Nothing at all, everything's perfect." I whisper pulling her close against me. She leaned her head on my shoulder as I rubbed on her ass. I swayed side to side as I hummed short nothings in her ear while she ran her fingers through my hair, until we both fell asleep.


I didn't go to the studio.

I called my ex girlfriend, tana.

t: hello?
D: hey baby girl!
T: Diego?!
D: the one and only.
T: Oh my god daddy! I missed you sooo much!
D: I missed you too.
T: wait aren't you with that Taylor bitch.
D: don't call her a bitch! And yes, don't worry about it.
T: ummm, okay. I won't say anything if you won't.
D: my lips are sealed... at least until I see you...
T: where are you maybe we can meet up?!
D: I'm in LA.
T: Louisiana?
D: Los Angeles. ( dumb bitch )
T: I was just joking. * nervous laugh*
D: yeaaaa... so where are you?
T: My friend Layla's.
D: send me the address... I'm tryna taste the rainbow.
T: *gasp* hurry up daddy! I can't wait!
tana hangs up.

Of course she was... she is such a hoe. But she was good at it. And all I wanted was her.

tana💔👅🍑💍 started sharing her location.

I pulled out my phone and put in the address and drove towards her.

iMessage from taylor💔🌎
Baby I'm going to come down in about an hour! I miss you! I'm sorry for being a bitch.

Well shit. Maybe this is a sign I shouldn't go. Maybe I won't fuck her I'll just get some head.

I decided to go to Tana anyways.

~~with tana~~

"Baby girl!" I said as I scrawny looking girl opened the door with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Maybe I have the wrong house." I said backing away. "Sorry" I said putting out my hand in a goodbye manor.

"Are you Diego?" She said pointing at me cigarette in hand.

"Y-yes" I said looking at her hand on the side I could see the name "gustav" written on it.

It was Layla. The girl who broke Gus's heart.

I went towards her pulled out my phone and took a video of me giving her a big wet kiss before running away to my car and pulling out.

Once I got to the studio I sent the video to Gustav.

IMessage from Gustav🐣

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