pussy blood dripping down your skinnies

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Gus pov

I slowly brought myself from under the blanket. I saw a face I recognized from a long ass time ago. It was Emma's brother Emerson.
(A/N: Not accurate.)

"Gus!" He exclaimed. "You crazy fuck!"

"Hey Emerson. You wanna go through and unlock my window so we can get in?" I chuckled looking over at reddi. I got straight to the point.

"Yea." He laughed stepping onto the porch and into the house.

"I wonder if he knows we are naked." Reddish blu laughed. He probably didn't. But our clothes were soaked and I didn't want to put them on.

*click* I heard the window. I wrapped the driest blanket around reddish blu and I as we climbed through the window trying not to flash Emerson.

"So, who is this bitch you picked up." Emerson looked reddish blu up and down then gave her the slightest wink. Reddish blu gave a pure look of disgust back.

"My wife Emerson." That snapped his gaze to meet eyes with mine as I went through my suitcase finding something for me and reddi to wear. "O-oh, I'm sorry." He responded politely.

"It's okay she's a Bitch anyways." I said. Reddish blu picked up a pillow throwing it at me. I laughed at her childish actions.

"oh my god your naked." Emerson look me up and down. his facial expression was priceless.

"Well, Yea. See you interrupted us we were about to fu-" reddi cut me off my asking him to leave so she and I could get dressed.

"Yea, sorry I'll go! Gus we have to catch up before you leave!" He said waving them leaving the room not waiting for me to answer.

"So... do you want to meet my grandma." I asked reddi as she put a pair of gray joggers on along with her maroon crop top that had adidas written across it.

"I would love to!" She said smiling brightly.

"Okay. Lemme get dressed then we can walk over." I threw on a pair of gym shorts and a grey shirt with a marijuana leaf on it. "Okay let's go." And we were off to grandmothers house.


As we were walking down the sidewalk I noticed reddish blu was starting to get clammy. Her hands were shaking and sweating heavily.

"you okay baby girl?" I asked worriedly.

"uh-yea. Just nervous." She said but her body said otherwise. she stop dead in her tracks and started throwing up. She had to stop to sit down on the sidewalk. she couldn't stop throwing up and it was only stomach acid.

"come on baby! we have to get you to a doctor or something." I started lifting her up trying to get her to her feet. the sidewalk where she was sitting was stained by a dark red liquid. she had bled through her pants. "Awe baby. you bled through these." I chuckle.

"gus?" She asked.

"Yea?" I replied quickly. She was now hyperventilating.

"i got my period at the beginning of the month it would be impossible for me to have it right now. Somethings wrong." My eyes widen realizing she could be seriously ill. Or worse... dying.

"Okay, come on the hospital is only a few blocks away. get on my back." I told her firmly. I'm not good with these types of conversations.

"I'll get blood all over you!" She shouted. did she really think I would care?"

"I don't give a fuck. Get on my god damn back!" I yelled harshly. I didn't mean to be rude. I just want her to be okay. She quickly jumped up. As I started booking it for the nearest hospital.


It's been about an hour since I got her to the hospital. they got her to stop bleeding. they haven't figured out why she was bleeding though. the nurse said she'd be back in a few minutes and that was 20 minuets ago. It irritates me when they do that. but right as my irritation sailed into my mind it was whipped away by the nurse coming back in.

"these might be a personal questions but we must know the answers to figure out what is wrong." She nodded at reddish blu and she nodded back.

"Are you on birth control?" The nurse asked reading from a check list of options with three rows with answers to the questions that read 'YES', 'NO', and 'SOMETIMES'.

"Yes." Reddish blu responded calmly. i could smell an argument about to erupt.

"Do you have multiple sexual partners?"

"No." She replied. But my mind flushed with thoughts of diego.

"are you a virgin?" The nurse asked as she peered over to meet my glance making me burst out laughing. "I'll take that as a no." She shook her head checking the 'NO' box.

"do you use condoms?" Reddish blu looked at me like she was looking for an answer but she already knew the answer was no.

"No." I answered for her. The nurse again shook her head. "Bitch, you HAVE to have kids by now don't act like your so innocent." I snapped.

"Reddish blu when is the last time you got your birth control raised?" The nurse asked. I looked at reddish blu with a puzzled look on my face. She had the same one. That gave me a bad vibe. almost making me sick to my stomach.

"Raised? I never had it raised. I've been on the same dose since I was 16." The nurse eyes widened. "Honey, after a year or two your spoused to get your dose raised. You bodies hormones take over. you probably had a miscarriage."

A miscarriage? we made a child?

I've missed yinz!
I promise to start updating more m mental state is much better now!
i wrote this on the 15th :(.
6 months without him.💔🥀

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