go away bexey.

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gus pov

I look at Reddish Blu as she nods at me.

"stay with me bexey." I say squeezing him tightly. for a second I thought he smiled but it quickly faded.

"thank you, Gus." he gave me a fake smile.

"let me get you a towel," reddish blu said exiting the room towards the linen closet. I watched as bexey whipped his tears away, he is strong and I knew that he would be okay in a few days. after a few seconds of thinking and staring at bexey reddish blu came back with 2 towels. one for me and bexey. I got fairly wet when bex hugged me.

"thank you blu." he said accepting the towel from her.

he whipped his face and wrapped himself in the towel.

"I don't have any clothes." he said looking up from the ground. he had a now see-thru white tee on, black jeans, and pure black converse.

"ill give you some and we can throw your shoes in the dryer. let's get you in your room. " he took his shoes off as I led him to the guest room that would soon turn into his room.

 " he took his shoes off as I led him to the guest room that would soon turn into his room

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"this? this is my room?" he said as we entered the simple black and white room. I couldn't tell if he was disgusted or surprised.

"uh, yea." I said as reddish blu entered the room with black sweatpants and a new white tee.

"gus! this is amazing! thank you bruva!" he hugged me again this time not so wet...

"here you go bexey. I know a shower or bath always calms me down when im upset so here is some soap, bubble bath, comfy clothes, and a blunt" red giggled.

"thank you doll." he said as I shot him a glare.

"well, we will let you get settled in. goodnight bex see you in the morning." she hugged him and strutted out of the room. who is she trying to impress? I gave bexey one last hug and walked out of the room and into mine. reddish blu was sitting on our bed watching 'orange is the new black'.  I crawled into bed and onto her so she couldn't see the TV. she sighed and tried pushing me off but she was too weak it was adorable.

"move Gus!" she yelled squirming around like an ant getting picked up by a little kid.

"whats the magic word." I laughed.

"get the fuck off of me."




"you fucking asshole!"


"I love you?"

"I love you too but no."

"Daddy, please." I climbed off of her.

"now cuddle meeee." I wined as she pulled my head onto her chest playing with my hair as I fell asleep.

reddish blu pov

about an hour after gus fell asleep, I got hungry and walked down to the kitchen. I found bexey eating a bowl of cereal, special k to be exact. 

"Oh, hi bex." I smiled.

"Hey," he said putting his bowl in the sink.

"you feel a bit better?" I asked,

"much. much better." he walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged right back.

"can I stay down here and talk with you?" he asked parting from our hug.

"of course bex! you can talk to me about anything!" I exclaimed grabbing a small snack sized bag of cool ranch Doritos from the cabinet.

"well, I really liked Shay. she was kinda dumb though, but besides that, she seemed like she cared so much. now I can't even sleep, I haven't slept for 3 days. she hurt me so much." he was somehow wide awake though and was going to cry again.

"bexey you need sleep! come on, I'll help you sleep." I said pulling him upstairs this wasn't healthy and if he didn't sleep soon he would start breathing slower which could be bad and end up deadly. I laid down on top of the covers respecting that I do have a soulmate. he got under his blanket and closed his eyes I skimmed my hand through his hair just as I did with gus. but my eyes got heavy and I slowly fell asleep too.

how do you think gus will react?

questions of the chapter:

1.) do you like arzaylea? ( i fucking hate her with a passion )

2.) do you like Layla? ( i like her a lot she tweets some real ass shit on twitter.and she never really hurt gus but she was a bit disrespectful but now she says she misses him and shit so she's good in my book )

3.) do you like Emma? ( Emma > Layla and arazylea and any other bitch )

4.) fav song on X's new album? ( moonlight, $$$, the one that starts with an S and going down )

ily babies :))))))))))) 

ik i said new chapter by 8 but i forgot oops. lol ilyyyyyyyyyysssssssssmmmmmmm words cant explain.

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