bus stop!

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Gustav POV


Reddish Blu came back from the bathroom as I noticed and double tapped the picture she tagged me in.

damn shes so fucking cute.

"did you clean up okay baby?" I questioned.

"y-yes," she said.

I laughed at her before something came over the speakers "Hello passengers! we are coming upon our arrival, we will be pulling over in about 5-7 minutes. if you would like you can get out of your seats and start gathering your items. Thank you for traveling with Grayhound!" 

I got up out of my seat and woke Jazz up. 

"get up! we are in California!" I said shaking him awake.

I got my duffle bag and scrolled through Instagram for the last couple minutes on the bus. once we got off nobody had any idea where to go or what to do. we were homeless, depressed, stupid kids.

"what do we do now?" Jahseh said breaking the silence.

none of us knew, not even Jazz and he did this before.

"Maybe we should figure out what the hell we are going to do. like, get an apartment, jobs, money," Diego said.

"Food." Reddish blu interrupted.

we all broke out into laughter in the middle of a bus stop, people stared at us like we were on crack.

"we ain't need no job. we are going to make music and get rich off of that," I said.

hey babies!

im gonna update this v soon i promise 

would yall be mad if i did a small time jump of 2-5 months? nothing much would happen i promise.

loveee youuuu babiesssss

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