fucking emma ( literally )

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Reddish Blu pov

*2 weeks later* (y'all probably hate me bc of the time jumps THERE ARE SO MANY IM SORRY )

I haven't seen gus for 2 days. we have been married for all-of fourteen whole days and this girl shows up at our wedding and Gus is
head-over-heels for her. I keep having flashbacks of the conversation we had at the wedding.

"Emma!" Gus climbed off the small stage to this mystery girl who showed up at my wedding. embracing her into tight hug like he loved her. I didn't like this at all!

"Damn Gus! I always thought that would be us up on that stage."

"Red?" I heard my door open up to reveal Liza she's been keeping me 'up' while Gus has been obsessin' over Emma.

"Hey mommy." She told me to start calling her mom to make us closer.

"Here I made you some hot tea. It calms the mind." She handed me the white cup in her hand. "I'm sorry your mom had to leave so soon."

"Thanks and my mom and dad had those... issues. I'm not really sure how that's going to play out." I smiled taking a sip of my tea. "Mhm this is really good!"

"I'm also sorry about my son. This won't last long. I think he just stunned by Emma actually being here. You know the story behind them right?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

"not really." I was awfully scared of what she was about to say.

"Well... they grew up together and started dating of and on it 8th grade they were so obsessed with each other but Gus never liked school. He never showed her any love outside of his bedroom —that's where they spent most of there time— they sat in there for hours. He had to kick her out to make his music. Then he left. They were 'in love'. he told her that he would come back for her. Then he did. after a year and a half of no contact he came back at the time he was 17. Emma had started dating a boy named Ian. Who was very close with Gus. It broke him. He hurt for 2 years about her. barley went anywhere. he produced an album off his hurt. Then he finally decided to win her back by kissing her in front of a whole party. She wanted to be with him but she was already...engaged and Gus met Layla. Gus and Layla were supposed to get on that train together. But Layla broke up with Gus a few weeks before. He was so down about it. So he got on the train alone. Well, without a girl. Then he met you and thank the lord he did." Her fave was mixed with emotion.

"Oh my god. I'm speechless." I didn't know what to do. Did gus still love her?

"hey baby!" Gus ran though the door to pick me up. I wasn't sure to be mad at him or not so I gave a small attitude.

"Put me down!" I pushed out of his hands.

"Who hurt you?" He asked with a look of disgust on his face.

"YOU GUS! YOU RUNNING AROUND WITH EMMA AND YOU DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR WIFE!" I yelled at him. "Do you have feeling for her?"

"W-wh-at?" He stuttered.

"Do you love her??" I asked once more.


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