the night sky

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Gus pov

I was finally being released after a dreadful 2 days of sitting in this dumb ass hospital. Although I'm thankful that I am alive I hate hospitals with a burning passion. Reddish blu has been quite upset ever since cammi texted her about a new girl moving into the house with bexey. I don't know why she was upset but she was.

"Look! Cammi posted a new photo with the bitch." She said throwing her phone in my face.

"Baby, stop worrying you and cammi are best friends nothing could come in between y'all. Plus bexey never sticks with girls for a long time. she'll be gone by the time we get back." I smiled at her at a nurse entered the room.

"You good to go gus. You can leave whenever you want. Just remember you cant drink within the next 48 hours." She smiled shutting the door.

"Alright bitch, lets go i fucking hate hospitals." I got up and started walking out. "Did you call Ian." I asked Reddish blu as she followed me out.

"Yea. He's been here for 20 minuets." She pointed at Ian leaning against his car waiting for us.

"Hey bro!" I exclaimed hooking him into my arms.

"Hey, someone wanted to come and see you." He pointed behind him. Emma revealed herself from behind the car. Emma had come back after the mishap that had happened. I honestly didn't want to see her.

"Hey Gus." She smiled.

"Hi Emma. I'm fine. Thanks for caring thought. Ian can I drive?" I didnt want to have to sit by Emma when Reddish blu was already pissed at cammi.

"Yea sure." He said throwing me the keys I climbed into the car and everyone followed me. I grabbed reddish blu's hand and turned up the radio that was playing some weird pop songs.

"So what do you want to do the rest of our honeymoon?" I asked reddi as she finally put her phone down. She sighed and thought to herself for a minute.

"I want to... see where and what you did before we met." She looked at me and I knew exactly where to take her. My mama's house.

"Okay." I pulled onto the street I grew up on looking at everything that was burned into my memory. Nothing had changed except Emma's family got a new mailbox. It was gray instead of the yellow-brown one they had, had our whole life. I didn't like it. I pulled up to my house I just kinda stared at it on the sidewalk for a while. Taking in what I had left behind only about a year ago. It felt like everything since then had gone so fast and now it's back to a normal speed. I'm fuck married. sixteen-year-old gus never would have thought he would finish high school let alone be married and complete a whole semester of college then be a semi-famous rapper? Nuh-uh. I'm so much more then I dreamt I could have been.

"Gus? Are you okay?" Reddish blu looked at me snapping me out of my deep trance. I gave her a small smile and replied "yea" I grabbed hold of her hand dragging her into my first home. She smiled brightly opening up her eyes to everything that I found so normal.

"What are you looking at?" I asked her quite confused on why she was so fascinated by a small little house there was nothing out of the ordinary about it.

"This. This is where you were made to be the man I love so much today." She smiled giving me a big kiss. I smiled back wrapping her in my arms that could almost go around her twice. "Wanna go up to my old room?"

she smirked at me replying with a "yes." I took her hand once more leading her up the stairs —a pathway I knew all to well— to my old room. i had probably spent— in all my time added together— about a year just sitting in here either with Emma or by myself. All five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes. (525,600)

"woah, this is where you spent a whole year." She yet again gave a look of fascination. I loved how she was so into what I was before her. really i was nothing, but she saw something in my nothingness. I threw my shirt off slamming my down on my old rickety bed. I looked up at the henti posters that were plastered on the ceiling. my mom hated them when I lived here, I can't believe she hasn't taken them down.

"Oh my god Gus!" Reddish blu had noticed what I was staring at. I chuckled pulling her down next to me on the small twin sized bed. I had my bed facing towards my window to look out at the night sky. I never forgot how beautiful I used to look when I would sit here writing music. The best ones I think I've wrote was when I would sit on the roof, take something, then wait for the comedown around 4am.

"What are you thinking about?" Reddish blu asked me she was turned to the side propping her head up on her hand letting her blue and purple hair fall down around my arm.

"how awful my life was before you. fuck im in love with you."

okay y'all! Sorry this is so LATE! but I'm finna give you two options!
1: I update short 100-500 word chapter once or twice a day
2: I update longer better though out chapters every 2-3 days.

Idk what to do and my life is so sloppy. I've been thinking about my first love all day and I miss him so much we were fw each other since 6th grade. fuck, i was so obsessed with that cutie.  and now we walk past each other like we don't have history. On top of that school is coming to an end and I need to shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE! PLUS I haven't updated 'school isn't for me' since like March. But who cares my first love is what I want

i think im falling for him again.

fuck love.

i truly am broken.

~ sisi💔 aka sinner🥀~

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