getting dressed

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reddish blu pov

"gus you have to wear a shirt!" I yelled at him. this crazy ass motherfucker said he isn't wearing a shirt. IS HE FUCKING CRAZY? I couldn't wear a dress but he can wear fucking nothing but a pair of gray shorts and nothing else. he got my FUCKED UP.

gus pov

this crazy ass bitch thinks she really gonna make me wear a shirt. SHES FUNNY AS FUCK. the last thing I'm going to do is put on a damn shirt.

reddish blu pov

"I'm not wearing a fucking shirt, in a fucking man I don't have to." he shouted back. two can play that game asshole.

"fine then I'm not wearing one then." I said ripping off my shirt. HOW YOU LIKE THEM APPLES BITCH.

"what shirt should I wear?" he asked turning toward our closet.

"mhm that's what I thought." I said putting my shirt back on.

"shut the fuck up before I choke your ass." he said skimming through the closet. this sounds like an opportunity.

"do it then." I put my head back and left a wide space for him to grab onto me. I didn't even hear him tip-toe across the room he was just there it actually took me by surprise but I still liked it. 

"you thought I wouldn't?" he whispered to me.

"nah I knew you would, I just like it." I whispered back to him as he pushed me down on the bed as he went back to the closet.

"I want to wear this one" he picked my bright pink shirt with a picture of him on it. of course he would.

"Okay, I don't care." I said pushing my hair behind my ear scrolling through Instagram.

"wow, it hurt." he said.

"gus, I'm sorry, it looks great on you." I said putting my phone down so he could have my full attention.

"tell me something I don't know."

well, lets get ready people should be showing up anytime now.

hey, babies, this chapter was A LOT longer but I wanted to post something today so I could rant at the end of it.

okay so, today at school I was sitting in choir bc I'm a music major and this kid that we used to be like best fucking friends and now he thinks "I'm in love with him" and I'm not he fucking gets on my damn nerves. he is like 5'2 and I'm 5'8 he knows that one day I'm gonna fucking snap and beat his short ass down the stairs and back to hell where he belongs. I can't fucking stand him anymore and it really hurts me because I remember when we talked for hours on end and text and shit and everything. when he was dating my friend Sarah he used to be so, friendly and want to talk to me and shit but in November they stop dating (ironic bc my life failed in nov.) and he turned into a complete ass he talks about me right in front of me it's so fucking frustrating. I just wanna be civil to each other. he literally turned to this girl today and said shit about me and I called him out and he denied it. + today i got to school late bc my bus was in a minor car accident and I asked to go to the bathroom because I cut my hand on a thing on the bus and as soon as I went out there was fucking satan himself so I just kept walking to the bathroom like I didn't even know the kid and this pickle bobbling little fuck said "what did you come out here just to be around me." I rolled my fucking eyes and kept walking. AND THEN HE ASKED ME FOR FOOD AT LUNCH I gave him an apple bc I didn't want it and I didn't feel like talking to him. and then in choir, he talked about 10,000,000,000 times right in front of me so ofc I went to the bathroom a cried for a while.AND HE IS DATING MY FRIEND SKYE NOW AND I DONT EVEN FEEL COMFORTABLE TALKING TO HER BC HE IS ALWAYS AROUND! but its just ahhhhhhhhh idek I fucking hate my life.

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