make me bleed {but not yet}

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Reddish blu pov

1 week later

I stumbled out into the cool crisp air of our balcony, I needed air. Gus and I have been getting more fucked up the usual. I took in a big inhale as I stood at the railing. We had just took a few xans and went thought 2 wait 4 no 5 bottles of hennese, lets just say I was used to the hangovers and shit. I turned when I heard the sliding glass door open up reveling gus his eyes looking tired as he stumbled out onto the deck just like I did he didn't say anything he just stood beside me until he turned in leaning on my breast I held his head on me closest to my heart running my finger thru his blond and black hair —that seemed to change every month— as we stood their very slowly sobering up.

"Baby?" He questioned.


"I want you to make me bleed." He said biting and sucking on the top of my boob.

(There are only 3 ways to explain titties, what the fuck.)

i started my way back to our bedroom when we ran into Diego bringing a girl up the steps, he's been with a different girl every night since him and Taylor broke up about a week ago, this time he introduced her as 'Ellie'.

"Hello, Ellie, I'm Reddish Blu and this is uhh Gustav." I said as Gus twirled in circles I laughed at his goofiness as Diego walked the girl down to his room, probably to have sex with her then to never see or speak of her again. I dragged gus back to our room to do as he said.

Once we got to our room I got out his switchblade whipping it open.


IK THIS ISNT FINISHED BUT i cant fucking take this anymore. im fucking dying without gus. people at skool r talking shit aka the person i talked about yesterday. will someone kill me?

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