tour bus

431 11 2

Gus pov

"this is it." Dylan said as a gigantic white bus came around the corner. the door opened reveling a y'all older man. I waved to him but all he did was sit and stare at me in disgust. I was used to these types of looks especially when I had no shirt on. Showing my 'daddy' and 'fuck the ops' tattoos. people didn't really like those but I didn't really care. I stood there staring at the bus for a few more moments. "Go ahead!" Dylan urged me.

I step onto the bus walking up the few steps into a living room type area. It had two small couches and a table. a kitchen was connected to it. It had a refrigerator, microwave, sink and small cabinet. Back a small hallway with selfs and cubbyholes on the sides for storage was two bunks. they had full-sized mattresses. One on top one and on the bottom. Inside the bunks were small cubbyholes with two outlets. Behind there was a large bathroom with a full bathtub, toilet, sink, and yet another small cubbyhole for holding bathroom utensils.

"Do you like it?" Dylan asked. I had been silent and held a blank face throughout the whole tour I had given myself. I actually liked it a lot. It felt like and a RV, like a small home. "Yes." I simply said.

"This is so cool!" Reddi popped her head in the corner. "Can we sleep in here." She smirked. I knew what she was thinking. I looked at Dylan and he just gave a 'i dont care' shrug. when we got to the front of the bus the driver was gone.

"I'll let y'all settle in." Dylan said leaving me and reddi alone. I looked at her smirking widely. She jumped in my arms. kissing my passionately. I ripped her shirt off. Leaving her topless.

"no bra?" I asked.

"of course not." She smiled leaning her lips back into mine connecting them once again. our tongues battled each other as our hands explored each other. i threw my shorts completely off as she was left in nothing but a thong. She slid them down off of her throwing them with my shorts.

"Where are all the places we could fuck?" She asked driving me wild.

"anywhere you want babygirl." She then got down on her knees. "How about right here." She didn't even let me answer before taking me in her mouth. "F-fuck." I moaned.

"You like that?" She asked standing up climbing onto me. Placing her heat over my member. I shook my head 'yes'.

"Well maybe you'll like this better." She said sticking myself into her then bouncing herself up and down. I was done. I came within the second. Which is pretty embarrassing but I didn't care.

"Awe I'm i really that good?" she smiled.

"Of course." I smirked at her getting up to put my shorts back on. She smiled widely.

"I'm hungry." Those are the words that always come out of her mouth no less then ten minutes after sex.

tracy pov
(Idk why I'm doing it in Tracy pov.🤷🏽‍♀️ lol.)

"Cammi you really are a good cook." Gus said shoving a piece of ham in his mouth.

"Thankyou!" Cammi answered. I was kind of bummed that everyone was going on gus' tour. I never really get to talk to him anymore. but there would be a week on tour that the girls would fly back to LA to see Nicki and Lola because 'they can't spend two months apart'. It's whatever.

"is everyone packed for their tour?" Diego blurred out. Making everyone turn towards him for some odd reason. Everyone was leaving at different times. first jahseh would leave tomorrow. then Diego in two days and last us.

"Yea." Jahseh said looking up from his plate.

"Well we leave tomorrow, of course we would be packed." Nicki said in a 'matter of fact' tone. Making jahseh roll his eyes.

"diego? have you packed yet?" Jahseh changed the direction of the conversation.

"Yea." He shook his head. "His suitcases are mostly bennies, sweatshirts, and jeans. he literally never wears anything else." Lola laughed.

"What??! I feel comfortable in them!" He shouted.

"You're going to sweat you're ass off!" Gus laughed. "Stage lights get hot as hell."

"hellboy would know." Bexey chuckled. He was right, gus is a hellboy.

"Jahseh!" Adam, jahseh's manger busted into the room angered. I've never seen Adam like this, he's usual a pretty cool guy. he lets us come over to his shop on Melrose from time to time. "what the hell are you doing?! You need to be on your tour bus!"

"What the fuck do you mean? I leave tomorrow." Jahseh jumped up getting defensive.

"No! You have a show tomorrow in Salt Lake City! You should have left hours ago! It takes 10 hours to get there!"

"Well lets go everything is already in the bus." Nicki got up following jahseh. They didn't even say bye. Well at least that's what we thought.

They popped their heads around the corner "see you in a month. Love you." Then ran off.

"Does this mean that I have to leave too because my first show is in New York!" Diego exclaimed. Walking over to his phone that was sitting on the counter.

"Lola we gotta go! stat's been calling me for an hour! We were supposed to leave at 2! the bus is on melrose. Let's go!" Then they rushed out only saying a quick goodbye.

"Well maybe we should leave too. the show is in Chicago. We don't have to rush then." Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

this was the start of 'the peep show' and the beginning of something huge.

I'm running out of ideas!
what do you want to see???
should I'm make chapters fro jahseh and Diego's tours??

u said. •LIL PEEP•Where stories live. Discover now