that one!

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Gus pov

"Gussssss! gus! GUS!" Reddish blu yelled me awake. I jotted up. I must've fallen asleep.

"We are here!" I said looking around like a kid that's been waiting for hours.

"Yes! Baby c'mon" she said smiling.

I jumped out of the car and ran into the salon. There were so many colors,smells and sounds it was amazing. Reddish blu came in behind me and laughed at how fascinated I looked.

"Pick a color she said pointing at a wall of mixed colors of rainbows, silvers, golds, neon, and others but one dark but bright red color stuck out to me like a sore thumb.

"That one! that one!" I pointed running to grab the color.

"Okay there are two booths open over there." She laughed.

I raced over to the booth. "Umm hi can you paint my nails this color please?" The lady looked my up and down.

"Umm." She hummed that caught reddish blus attention.

"Is there a problem?" Reddish blu said with a BIG stank face smeared on her face.

Reddish blu's pov

"Yes... he's a boy." She argued putting her hands up.

Is this bitch serious? It's 2018. And this sexist bitch is judging him? Does she know who he is?

"He's also my boyfriend. And when he asked to get his nails done with me I was overly excited and happy that he is doing something that most men wouldn't do even if they wanted to you sexist bitch. Now shut the fuck up and paint his nails before I shove every bottle of fucking nail polish up your ass until they are coming out of your fucking mouth stupid bitch." I smiled sat down and the women in front of me started doing my nails.

The women I told off started painting Gustav's nails too. He got done before me and since he was just getting them painted.

"Baby I'm bored!!" He whined.

"Okay Gus, I'm almost done."

"Ughhhhhh!" He groaned.

As I was done Gustav told me to take a picture of him for Instagram as we walked out of the salon.
(on the next Instagram chapter)

"Thank you baby!" He said climbing into the truck. "Let's go home."


Gus pov

Me and Reddish Blu walked into the house to hear a loud BOOM.

Then a scream.

We both ran to where the sound came from.

Diego was gone.

Hey babies imma rant

So today me and my best friend Cassie went to this jump park with foam pits and shit and I asked this girl who I thought was cute for her snap and she gave it to me and I was like YAYYYYY and I said "thanks baby" bc I call everyone baby! And she gave me this look that was like an awkward okayyy look and she must have told her friend that and her friend came up to me and was like "don't hit on my friend you creep! Calling her baby and shit." And I calmly said "I call everyone baby sorry." And laughed AND THE BITCH PUSHED MY BEST FUCKING FRIEND FOR LAUGHING I beat tf outta that bitch. Now I'm banned from that jump park. And probably have a court case lol. But it's okay bc my mom was like "HAHAHAHA YOU DID THE RIGHT THING" she gave my best friend a bloody nose what was I spoused to do? Lol.
Bye babies love you!
( imma gonna make a "meet the author" chapter later lol )
( btw I'm pans/bisexual I'm not sure yet )

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