sus shit

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reddish blu pov

the drive back from the airport was silent except for gus's unreleased album blaring over the speakers. gus was completely tuned out when i asked about the last few shows. i dont know what happened to him but obviously he's not in the mood to talk at all. he got out not saying a word leaving me to get anything he left in the car out. as i entered the kitchen i heard our bedroom door slam leaving me in charge of HIS party which was about to start in only five minutes. people were already arriving. i pressed around on the ipad that controlled the sound system putting on red roses by lil skies.

i passed by all the liquor and drugs already scattered around the living room up the steps gus and i's room. i swung the door up to see gus laying on the bed on his phone. i crawled on top of him making him glance up at me. i rolled my eyes as i ran my hands down his chest to his shorts slowly pulling them down. this got his attention. i pulled down his boxers to see he was already partially hard. i slowly stroked him as he grabbed my hair. i stuck him in my mouth slowly. then quickly speeding up. he groaned tilting his head back in pleasure. i gagged as he looked down at me with his devilish smile. i went for a few more times before i felt warm liquid hit the back of my throat. i smiled getting up whipping my lip.

"are you in an okay mood now?" i asked him as i climbed back onto him. he smirked up at me but his smile quickly faded he looked back down at his phone's blank screen.

"what's wrong baby? tell me." i wined i hated seeing him in such a shitty mood. "are you sad your is over?" he shook his head no. i didn't know if he wanted to tell me what was wrong or not. i got up again this time grabbing a blunt and lightning it. i took a big hit as i sat my ass back down on his waist. i blew the smoke in his face to irritate him just a little bit but it didn't work he didn't even move or have any other emotion to it. i handed the blunt to him as he took a hit blowing the smoke in my face.

"gus please tell me what wrong. i can't stand seeing you upset." he peeked his head up smiling.

"i feel like i've drifted so far apart from everyone. especially you. we haven't been talking a lot, we haven't kissed in over 5 days! and don't even get me started about sex. and i know your had a big part to play in it but... i wanna be with you and just you for a while. nobody around no tracy, no diego, no bexey, cammi, nicki, lola, jahseh, dylan. i mean there are so many people that i try to keep relations with and it's not working because i'm losing you and time is nothing to waste. i promise you i still and always will love you. i want to love you more. baby, let's move to london." he jumped up wrapping me in his arms. "come one let's move to london! you loved it there. everything was so perfect. that's the last time i had any quality time with you. please baby! please let's move to london!"

my mind and his mouth were running at a 1000 miles per second. i couldn't and didn't want to say no to him.

"okay gus, let's move to london." i smiled as he picked me up spinning me around. still holding me he crashed our lips together. "let's tell everyone!" he looked as happy as a child who got a toy he wanted forever. he raced out of the room keeping me in his arms. he scream to the dried below us to stop as the music cut out and everyone looked at us. i wiggled out of his arms letting the small bits of anxiety get to me by hiding under his arm burying my face in his chest.

"reddish blu and i are moving to fucking london!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

this book is coming to an end.
book two will be called...


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