blood droplets

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reddish blu pov

I woke up beside Gus and smiled at his pure sleeping droopy head, I picked up my phone to see many notifications flooding the screen.

1357 new messages

5970 missed calls

9756 new DM request

4709 new snapchats

I was so confused until I realized this was Gustav's phone only then it became clear to me... the. news was out.

I swiped up letting the camera recognize my face.

then I saw it a picture of Layla's bruised arm. the bruise was the size of her whole arm but it wasn't a bad bruise it was light in color and narrow. how dramatic. I trailed my fingers around the screen a bit longer, I wish I didn't. I opened endless messages snapchats and DMs of death notes and threats. some of the people with common sense said that it looked like he had just pushed her a bit but some people thought that Gus was cheating on me. I started to cry at some of the messages he was getting. some of them threaten to heart me.

 I threw Gustav's phone of the wall, making him flinch but not wake up.

my anxiety started to work up and I couldn't control it.

I got up walking into our bathroom grabbing Gustav's revolver. I locked the door and pointed the gun at the mirror I locked my aim looking straight at me, my shakey hands,  my messy hair and bloodshot eyes. and turned my head and pulled the trigger. 

as I heard the loud thundering sound of the bullet being accelerated out of the chamber everything seemed to go in slow motion. the bullet hitting the glass shattering it. the glass flew out towards me flying in every different direction. cutting into my sweet, thin, porcelain skin. them time caught up to speed and all the glass seemed to fall down around me.

 I looked at where the mirror once was and saw nothing but a small hole and a white square where the blue paint outlined. I picked up shards of glass a squeezed them making thick red ooze drop onto the floor which was so white it was blinding. I watched as the blood droplets suffocated the perfect white tiles I work so hard to keep clean. I didn't feel any pain. I just heard the sound of Gus crying trying to open the door and my skin tearing apart. why was I doing this? I haven't cut since I jumped on that train from Boston. I wasn't in control of myself. I picked up. more pieces of glass sliding them across my wrist making circles and lines. I wrote GUSTAV'S on my arm. 

finally, after writing and carving into myself I unlocked the door. Gus must have heard the locks click because he scrambled in so fast I didn't even realize that I was laying my head on him. He locked his eyes on my blood covered body. he was astonished at what I had done. but he didn't care... about the broken mirror the bullet in the wall the glass on the floor that I knew was penetrating into his soft masked skin.

He picked me up as I motionless held my blank stare. He brought me downstairs through the hall and into the kitchen. I figured everyone was up, I mean I did shoot a bullet into the wall less than 10 minutes ago. 

"DIEGO, TAYLOR, TRACY, CAMMI, JAHSEH, NICKI" Gus screamed their names. seconds later they were all in the kitchen. they looked scared, confused and dazed.

I noticed bexey was there too. they all examined me like I was some work of art in a museum.

I just sat on the counter blankly staring down at the floor. 

they were talking about why they think I did it like I was foreign and didn't know what the hell they were saying.

blood was still dripping from certain parts of my body.

Gus picked up my still heavily bleeding arm and put it to his soft lips sucking the blood from my wrist. he trailed his tongue over his name leaving a clear path. he then picked up my head a cupping it in his hands.

"baby girl why did you do this to yourself?" he whispered.

"becuse everyone hates you, and I love you. I had to carve you into me." 




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